Chapter 11

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Nashi's POV

Its been a week since I've decided to become a singer, and i've been practicing like crazy. Every morning I would wake up and 6:00 to practice, and I would keep going on till mid-night (with some breaks of course). Nova and Emma told me that from now on I should stop working so I can focus on becoming a singer. I mean of course i'm allowed to come help a little bit whenever I want, its just I won't be working with them as an employee anymore. I'm so lucky to have friends like them, and I promised myself that someday I would repay them. Now all I have to do is wait for Storm to call me. He and guys said that they would come pick me up and drive me there, and I agreed willingly considering that I don't have any other transportation. I sat on the couch with my music book and phone waiting for them to come. I looked at my book and the memory of it made me smile. The memory of my family still loving me.

Flash back (when nashi was 5)

Author's POV

"Nashi one thing you must remember is that when you sing, you have to feel the music let the words surround and envelop you. Your heart and soul have to be put in it if you want it to sound good" said the yellow haired lady "Mommy what do you mean by that" said Nashi. The two ladies heard a chuckle and turned around only to a pink haired man. "Daddy daddy" said the pink haired girl "What does mommy mean by that" " Nothing you have to worry about now princess, but here i've been wanting to give you this." Natsu handed his daughter a pink book with colorful designs on it. "When ever you feel sad or happy just write down your feeling into this book. And soon you will be able to create them into songs just like mommy and daddy" "Thank you thank you" said the young girl "I'll treasure it forever"

Flash back end back to Nashi's POV

*Honk* *Honk* My though were interrupted by a honking noise. It's probably the guys I though. I quickly grabbed my phone and music book and them ran outside to see a huge black car with a man standing out of it. He came closer to me and asked, "Hello are you Miss. Nashi" "Yes" I responded. "Alright then you may enter the car." I went to the car and right when I opened it I was quickly pulled in by someone. "Hey what the he-" but I stopped when I saw that the person who did it was Storm. "Storm why did you pull me inside and where are the rest of the guys." I asked calmly. "Oh sorry I guess I was a little too excited to see you, and the others are already there." "Oh" I said. Then the same man who was outside my house went inside the car and started to drive us to the place. After driving for a few minutes I noticed that it was very quite so I turned towards Storm to try and start a conversation. But before I could speak he looked at me and said, "You know you look really beautiful in that outfit." I blushed and turned my head away so he couldn't notice, but I was too late. "Aww come on Nashi I only said you looked nice no need to get flustered about it." "Shut up" I said "Plus you shouldn't say something so casually" "Why not it's true" He said. "Whatever" I responded and then I turned away. After that we didn't talk to each other for the car ride anymore.

(The top image is Nashi's outfit)

Storm's POV

After I told Nashi that she looked nice she just turned way and we didn't talk to each other for the rest of the ride. I sighed, I wish I could tell Nashi how I feel but she probably doesn't feel the same. A few minutes later the car ride stopped and me and Nashi got out of the car. I waved goodbye to the driver and he left. I looked at Nashi's face to see excitement fill her eyes when she saw the building. "It's pretty amazing huh" "Yeah" she responded. "Well lets go in everyone is probably waiting for us inside." She nodded and I lead her to where everyone was. Soon we reached a door and we walked in. There inside was Rin, Gale, Reiki, and Gildarts (Their music director or manager whatever you want to call it). "Oh hey guys" said Rin and Gale and Reiki both waved at us. "Hey" we both responded. "So this is the lovely lady you wanted me to help become a star." said Gildarts. "Yes" said Nashi "It's a pleasure meeting you. My name is Nashi" she said while bowing to him. " And mine is Gildarts, so how 'bout we get this started" "Ha-i" she said. "You guys can come watch too" said our manager. Everyone in the room followed Gildarts into the singing studio room. Once we entered, Gildarts started turning everything on, and Reiki, Rin, and Gale started to set everything up....which left me and Nashi standing next to each other by the door. I looked at her and noticed that she was shaking a little bit. "Hey what's wrong" I asked "It's nothing she replied "I'm just a little nervous." "Don't worry you'll be fine" "Alright thank" she said. Then Gildarts said, "Alright everything is set up" "Ok" said Nashi, but before she left she turned to me and said, "Wish me luck" I nodded and them she went towards the microphone to sing.

Nashi's POV

When I finished everyone in the room started clapping for me. Then Gildarts said, "Nashi that was amazing, probably one of the best performances I have heard besides from these guys of course." he said while pointing to the smirking boys. "I told you she was great" said Storm and I blushed at that comment. Seriously I don't know what gotten into me lately. Whenever I think about Storm I get all red and feel warm inside. Do I maybe lo-. But before I could continue with my thoughts they were interrupted by Gildarts saying, " But there is one thing though. Nashi I think you're singing would be good on it's own, but other people might not." "So what do I have to do to change that" I said calmly. "If you don't want people to reject you then instead of singing solo you should sing with a group." "What do you mean by that" I asked. "What I mean is that..... I think you should become apart of Fairy Tail."

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