Chapter 14

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Nashi's POV
I started to panick, they can't see me here, I'm not ready I thought. But before I could make a run for it Luke saw me and said, "Nashi......Nashi is that really you" Shit I though they saw me. That also caught the attention of both of my parent and they all were running towards me, but before they could reach me Storm pulled me behind him like he was protecting me from them and asked, "Wait how do you know Nashi" Then they all stopped running and and my mom said, "What do you mean... we are her parents, and Luke is her brother." "You mean ex-parents and brother" I spat " Don't think I forgot what you did to me." And after I said that they all looked down in shame. "Alright mind telling me what's going on" said Gray. "I would also like to know" said Juvia "Same here" said Storm and Rin. "I guess I should tell you guys." And then I explained everything to the Fullbuster family, from start to finish.

Storm's POV
I looked at Nashi with shock from every word she said. I mean what kind of people do that to her own daughter. When she finished the man with pink hair who is supposedly her father said, "Nashi I know what we did was wrong but it was all for a good reason, we did it to keep you safe." " SAFE.. you think by doing that you kept me safe. All you did was bring pain into my life, and do you know how hard it was for me." said Nashi. Then Luke said, "Nashi please let us explain, and then you'll understand." "No... I don't wanna hear it.. just leave me alone." And then she ran out of the house to who knows where. "NASHI"I screamed while going after her, but before I did I turned towards Nashi's "family" and said " You better hope you have a good explaination." While glaring at them and then I ran out the door to find Nashi.

Nashi's POV
To be honest, I did know where I was going...but I knew that I had to get away from that house. And what does Luke mean by let us explain, there's nothing they would be able to say that would change the things they did to me. While I was running away I didn't have to worry about people staring at me because nobody was out. It was about nine o'clock and many people went to sleep at that time (just go with it). After I felt like I got far enough, I stopped for a few seconds. I was about to continue again but I felt a hand on mine pulling me back so I could run any farther. I turn my head to seeStorm. "Why are you here" I ask worried that he was going to bring me back, and sadly I was right. "Nashi let's go back and hear your parent's expl-" he said but I cut him off and said,"Alright" which surprised him. "Huh.... I would have though that you would at least put up a fight." He said."Are you sick or something" he said while putting his hand on my forehead so he could feel my temperature. I blush and quickly take his hand off my forehand and say, "I'm not sick....I just think it's time I face my family." Storm just nodded and we walked back to his house. We soon reached it but before we walked in Storm stopped me. "Nashi I know that your nervous and scared, but just remember me and Rin will both be there with you, not to mention our parents. And if they try something we kick them out of the house" Alright" I said and then we walked in. When we walked in the site was chaotic. There was my mother crying in the back with Juvia trying to comfort her, my father and Gray fighting each other, and Rin and Luke glaring daggers at each other. "ALRIGHT... EVERYONE STOP RIGHT NOW" I screamed so no one would get hurt. I mean I know my family did bad things to me but I don't want something to happen to them. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I took a deep breath and looked at my family and said, "I'll listen to you guys... but only under one condition" They all nodded and I finished my sentence by saying, "I want to know the whole truth."  "Alright.. that sounds fair" said my dad. "So it all started when you where born.....

Flashback to 18 years ago

Author's POV
The loud cries of a baby could be heard from the whole hospital, but this did not anger anyone for a new child was brought into this world. Everyone is the hospital rejoiced that the baby was a healthy girl, especially her parents Natsu and Lucy Dragneel.

Natsu's POV
I was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room with Luke by my side. Oh I hope that Luce and the baby is okay. "Daddy why are you so nervous" asked Luke. I kneeled down so I reached is level and told him, "Well Luke your mom is having a baby right now and I worried for her." "Don't be daddy mommy is going to be okay." "Yeah your right" I said with my signature smile. And my anxiety flew away when I heard a baby's cries. At that moment I knew that everything was alright.

Time skip: 6 years later (This is a week before Nashi's parents started 'hating' her)

Natsu's POV
It's been 6 years since Nashi's been born, and our life couldn't be better. Me, Lucy, and Luke were all eating breakfast and Nashi was currently still asleep. I was just about to put my plate away when I heard a knock at the door. I told one of the maids to get it. A few seconds later she came back with a letter saying that was the only thing there. I excused her and she left. These action soon made everyone in the dinning room curious, including me. I opened the letter and read what was on it out loud.

Dear Natsu,
You might probably have forgotten me by now, but I will never forget what you did to me. I was suppose to be a star not you, and for that you will pay. I have heard that you have a daughter and on many interviews you have said that she is so important to you. So from now on if you ever treat her with kindness I will personally kill her and your family. And if you tell her... you  and your family will pay the price.

Your dear friend

I could not believe what I just read, and I could tell Luke and Lucy couldn't either. "He's probably just kidding" said my wife "Yeah" I said while ripping the paper and throwing it into the trash. But the same letters kept coming everyday for a week, this made me and Lucy realize that the man was not joking. That same day we quickly told Luke that the letter was true and that we had to be mean towards Nashi. At first he was was refusing, but when Lucy told him the reason why he agreed. And ever since that day we have never been nice to Nashi ever again, afraid of what will happen if we did.

Flashback ends

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