•Bucky's first July 4th -Bucky Barnes•

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*also guys some of the imagines are probably not going to follow the timeline of the MCU.*

I've contemplated on posting this one, but I'm just gonna post it and see if you guys like it. I wanted it to be good for you guys! Let me know how you like it! Please send in request! Thanks guys!

  "Bucky?" I called as I walked into Bucky's room in the avengers tower, "Babe."

He was sprawled out across his bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. He looked super handsome. His long hair placed into a bun.

"What is it?" He hums, eyes still closed.

I make my way to him, laying down beside him, placing my head against his chest. He wraps one arm around me, pulling me closer against him.

"Soo, Tony is having a Fourth of July party," I trailed off, looking up toward him.

Bucky and I had gotten together about six months ago. We got introduced when we rescued Bucky from being taken in by the feds. I fought along side Bucky and Steve in the war of the accords, but unluckily I didn't get to fully spend time with him until he finally decided to move into the tower. We started out as friends and slowly but surely he finally asked me on a date. We have been inseparable ever since.

He pulled me from my thoughts, waiting for me to continue. "And?"

Bucky wasn't to kin on Forth of July because of the certain events he went through. He wasn't much into Tony's parties either. I had tried constantly to get him to go, but he wouldn't ever budge. He wasn't for crowds, atleast not anymore.

"And I want you to come," I sighed out rubbing his bare chest with my fingertips, "Please?"

He finally opened his eyes and sighed tighten his hold around me, "Doll, you know I don't do parties."

"I know, but I wanted to spend it with you since you won't be here the next few months." I laid a small kiss against his chest.

Steve, Bucky, Nat, and Sam were headed to a mission in Prague for the next few months. They leave in a week. Bucky told Steve he was ready for anything they had. He was better. The nightmares were scarce. So after many pleas to Steve about wanting to be more apart of the team, Steve volunteered Bucky for this one.

"Baby," He placed a kiss against my head. "I don't want to freak out or make anyone uncomfortable."

He still worried about The Winter Soldier making a return, even without the trigger words being spoken. Eventhough, he had spent a year in Wakanda getting himself better. He worried anything would trigger him. No one was afraid of Bucky, and I constantly tried to get that through his head. Tony had forgiven him within the first two months he lived in the tower. Tony finally come to realize Bucky wasn't himself when he killed his parents. Bucky was always afraid he would mess something up though. His insecurities had been the result of Hydra, but Bucky was definitely past that.

"Buck, come on, you know everyone here loves you." I propped myself up, leaning against his chest now. "Just come with me and if you start feeling uncomfortable we can leave." I reasoned.

Bucky let out another sigh. He placed his metal hand softly against my cheek. "You aren't gonna let this go, are you?" He gave me a cute grin.

I smiled back, "Nope, so you might as well say yes."

He put his right hand into my hair, pulling my face closer to his. His breathe fanning my face. "Fine," He breathed.


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