The Story Ends with Sanguine Sin...

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And that,

Captive Reader-

Is where you come in.

Treat me gently, for I meant no true harm.

This scribble was just my way to Inform.

To cast some light

On my tired plight.

Nothing new here, sorry.

Just the same, tired story

Of thousands just like me,

So WEAK that it's frightening.

so what's one more

dumb Soul on the Shore?

My Pain's just the same

As what's-his-name

In the freezer next to mine.

Here's hoping I'll be stronger next time....

....then again...

maybe not.

Here's hoping I ROT.

and NEVER come back

to re-living Love's crap.

Here's hoping my Sin

Shreds my Soul down so thin

That NOTHING remains...

Save this Ink...

and it's Pains...

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