Chapter 6

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Trixie POV-

That look on Katya's face refuses to leave my head. I thought asking about her moving wouldn't be a problem but I could see how uncomfortable it made her. I don't want her to feel that way, I feel bad that my question hit a nerve. But, I worry why she's so cautious about it. There isn't a logical reason that she needs to be afraid to let me know. Of course I will never make her share, that's her choice to make, I just want her to feel secure around me. To be able to simply say "I don't want to talk about it" instead of freezing in anxiety.

I pull out my phone. It's only 11:30, she's probably awake. I hadn't noticed before but her number is the first one that shows up.

Trixie: you up?
Katya: yeah why?
T: I can't sleep lol
K: Me either rip
T: one more day of school left in the week, do I really need to sleep???
K: lol I feel that
K: are you busy this weekend?
T: uh idk I'd have to make sure my grandma didn't make some random plan
T: I'm probably free tho, why?
K: my parents want me to get out of the house with some friends
K: pretty sure they think I have a million of them lol
T: Ope
K: there's a drive in movie on Saturday night down by 22nd street
T: ooo what movie?
K: Grease and then ghostbusters
T: I can ask tomorrow, remind me tho
K: will do ;)
T: see you tomorrow :p
K: see ya

I lay the phone face down on the bed next to me and try to sleep. I really hope I'm not busy Saturday night. Typically I wouldn't be but sometimes my grandma springs a family dinner on me with no warning. I really want to go see a movie with Katya.

Still, I can't forget what happened after school. When we were laughing and I'm not sure I saw it right. It could all be wishful thinking, but it looked like she was about to kiss me. I can hardly picture it. Katya kissing me. If she did, I don't think I would mind. I'd kiss her back. So why did I pull away? I was afraid I was reading the room wrong. But after she apologized for making it weird. That can't mean anything. Could it?

If I could figure out other people's intentions this would all be so much easier. But I really have no idea if she really did try or if I'm just terrible at knowing what she means. In all actuality I know I can't be that bad at it, but my brain still screams that I need to be cautious. Everyone else I got close to left, and it's not their fault, I just don't want to fuck it up this time. I just don't want to make Katya mad or uncomfortable. I would love to be in a relationship with her, but at the same time I love what we already have. I would much rather never ruin what we have than be in a romantic relationship that doesn't work out.

There are so many thoughts swirling in my head. It's all masked as wondering about Katya but behind it all is pent up emotion. I don't know how to connect with people, how to tell them things without being weird about it. Every time I meet someone like her I say something wrong and they disappear. With her it feels different. She seems like she'll hear me out before ditching me. But every time I think that way I get hurt. Can I risk it again? I'm not sure I can handle another heart break.

Saturday night finally comes and luckily I have no other plans. Katya texts me in the middle of the day double checking I can still come and I'm glad to confirm that I can. She's picking me up in twenty minutes. I was told to dress comfy because we're going to be watching a movie but I can't help matching my scrunchie to my t-shirt and wearing my favorite pair of pajama shorts instead of the most comfortable ones.

I'm almost jittery from the excitement. I know it's not something crazy that's happening but it's been a while since I've been out with friends, and I've never had a friend like Katya. It's crazy how I went so long thinking I knew what a friend was and now here I am, knowing I was very wrong.

My phone dings and outside I can see Katya pull into the driveway in her moms mini van. I grab soda and popcorn off the counter and shout a goodbye to my grandma before bounding out the front door. Katya beams as I get in the car and she pulls out of the driveway to head only a few blocks to the parking lot where the outdoor movie is.

After we park and open the trunk we lay facing the huge screen that's attached to the side of the building. The night is warm but not too hot and the sun is just beginning to set behind us. Peachy orange clouds drift past and if I couldn't feel my heart in my chest I would've thought I was dreaming. Everything seems so perfect.

The movie starts and the sky fades to a dark purple. I've seen Grease so many times, and while it is a good movie, it's not one you really have to pay attention to. That's good because after a moment my attention shifts to Katya who's body is pressing  against mine. She puts her arm around my neck and I rest my head on her shoulder. Who knew the trunk of a car could be so comfortable. Her breathing is slow, and I can tell she's doing the thing where she's trying not to move at all because I'm leaning on her. I wonder if she's as nervous as I am. As the movie continues in the background the air around us gets cooler. We should've brought blankets. I feel Katya shiver a bit and I wrap my arms around her which gets a smile. "You're warm." She comments, cuddling closer. It's not like it was a couple of minutes ago when we were both tense. Right now it feels natural, like I was supposed to hold her like this. It makes everything feel right.

"Good." I reply, looking back to the movie screen, still not able to focus on it completely.

Grease ends in what feels like 5 minutes and then ghostbusters starts. I have absolutely no interest in the movie, Katya clearly doesn't either but she makes no move to get up to leave. "What time do you need to be home?" She asks me, pulling her arms away to stretch before returning them to rest on me.

"It doesn't really matter. Whatever time works." I reply. "Are we staying?"

"I'd like to." Katya says, and I notice her look away. It makes me realize how close we are when we're talking to each other.

I pause for a minute. "Great. I'm having fun." I tell her and her eyes find their way back to mine.

"I'm really glad I made a friend so fast." She mentions.

I smile. "Well I'm glad you showed up."

"Yuck." She says, laughing. "Why are we so gross."

My heart skips a beat and I laugh with her. "Oh shut up."

"Make me." Katya ventures.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, poking her in the stomach immediately making her laugh. I've never met someone so ticklish.

"Make me." She grins.

I'm still not sure what she means but at the same time I'm pretty sure I know. I lean and press my lips to hers. She smiles against me, her hand moving to rest on my hip. It's gentle and soft, slightly inexperienced like it always is when you kiss someone new. "Is that okay?" I double check.

"Trixie I've been hinting at this since the day I met you." She replies, kissing me on the cheek one more time.

I smile. "Well I'm bad at reading signals."

"Whatever." Katya answers, nudging me playfully.

Her lips are back on mine after a moment and my stomach knots. There's so much excitement in my chest, I'm almost shaking from it. After a moment we pull away and go back to laying in the trunk together. She opens her arms for me and lets me scoot so we're close. The car is still cold but I don't mind it. I just never want the night to end.

Idk how to feel about this chapter, hopefully ya'll like it :p
Not sure when the next update will be but it won't be too long I don't think
Who are you all rooting for on AS5? (I'm def team Shea or Blair myself lol)

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