Chapter 15

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Katya POV-

The end of the week comes pretty quickly, and I'm glad that Trixie's back to school on Wednesday. Apparently once you punch a kid nobody messes with you. Not a single person teases her in the hallways and Ginger's friend group doesn't give her bad looks anymore so I guess that's a step in the right direction. It certainly makes me less nervous about Prom, given that not every single person hates us anymore.

On Friday night I can't contain my excitement while I'm trying to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I can just imagine tomorrow. I can't wait. I know it isn't going to be perfect but I don't care. I'm excited nonetheless.

I'm looking foreword to the dumb stuff the most. My mom curling my hair like she always insists, the million pictures that everyone is going to take, and dancing awkwardly on the side of the dance floor. It doesn't matter how much I talk about it, I can't wait.

The morning feels like it doesn't come soon enough. My mom gets me up early to get our nails done which isn't even something I wanted to do in the first place. It makes her happy for me to have long ass acrylics on, but on Prom night it seems like a little much. Especially when your date is also a girl. When we get home she does my hair, standing behind me, trying not to burn me with the iron. "I can't believe you're actually going." She says, making eye contact with me in the mirror. "You never would've done this at your old school."

"Well now I have someone to go with." I blush.

"My oldest is going to her senior prom and graduating in few weeks. You got big too fast."

I roll my eyes but smile. "Don't go all sappy yet, we haven't even gotten to the fun part of the day."

"You're right, you're right." She sighs, finishing my hair after what feels like forever.

By the time she's done its past noon. I manage to eat some food and get caught watching Maria for about an hour while my mom showers and actually gets ready for the day. I might be annoyed if this wasn't her first day off in ages. She deserves to shower at a normal time of day instead of 5 in the morning.

When she's done in the bathroom I do my makeup, and then move on to my dress. It fits perfectly, I feel even prettier in it than I thought I would. I twirl into the kitchen to show my mom and hugs me tightly. "Don't mess up my makeup!" I warn and she pulls away laughing.

"We have to leave to get to Trixie's in a few minutes, but I got you a present before we go." She says.

"You didn't have to." I reply.

"I wanted to. I think you'll like it." She hands me a little black box and I open it. Inside is a little gold necklace. At first I don't realize what the charm is but once I take a closer look I can't help but smile.

"That's so cool." I say, trying to find the right words. I love it. The charm has the design of a tarot card engraved into it. It's the star. I can't believe she took the time to pick this out. "Where did you find this?" I ask.

"Ordered it custom by a little shop down at the old market." She replies. "You like it?"

"I love it." I assure her. "Thank you."

"Okay now time to go to Trixie's house?"

"Yeah." I beam.

I didn't think there was a single perfect person on the planet. But I now that I've seen Trixie Mattel looking this gorgeous I might have to re-think. Her hair is in ringlet curls, framing her face. She has a gold headband in that match her earrings and the heels we bought at the mall. And her dress. Everything about it is lovely. There's just the right amount of cleavage and the stretchy fabric on the top accentuates all the best parts of her body. Even her makeup is pristine and smooth, soft highlights on her cheeks that shine in the sun. "You look amazing." I mention after looking her over for a moment. "Like really amazing."

She giggles. "So do you. And even better we match."

"Yes we do." I reply. "Corsage on three?"

"Close your eyes." She instructs before counting. When I open my eyes we both burst into laughter. We're holding the same gold corsages which was completely unintentional. My mom and her grandma have already started taking pictures. We slide them on our wrists, the lace on the back tickles my hand every time I bend my wrist. "Okay hurry hurry pictures." Trixie's grandma says, moving us in front of a rose bush by their house.

We pose like idiots for a while until finally my mom comes up with some better poses for us to do so we don't look like such dorks. She takes a few of us holding hands. Trixie turns to the Rose bush. "Go ahead." Her grandma sighs with a smile. She picks one off the bush, making sure to avoid the thorns.

Trixie hands me the rose and I go to kiss her on the cheek. I hear the camera snap behind us. After pictures we go eat out together. Ginger's group ends up at the same restaurant, they invite us to join them as they have 3 extra seats. We agree, they've been nice to us, we could use some more friends at school.

The whole place is crowded with high schoolers from our school and the public one across the way. Prom is always shared between both because there aren't that many of us even combined.

Once we reach the venue it's 8:30 so everything is in full swing, we can hear music even from the parking lot.

By the time we get in Trixie is jumping up and down with the music, holding my hands and leading me to the center of the floor. I can feel the bass in the way the floor moves, and the excitement feels like it's comic from every direction. I can stop myself from smiling widely, my heart rate picking up with each change of song. It's still early in the night, the slower songs will come on later, and then they'll transition back to upbeat.

"Are you having fun?" I ask Trixie, over the blaring music.

"Yes of course. I'm glad you talked me into coming."

"Good." I reply. "Wanna go closer to the DJ?"

She nods and we make our way to the center of the crowd. The dance floor is hot and almost a little gross but I think that's how a high school prom should be. If it's not a little gross are teenagers even there?

I can't take my eyes off of her. As the night goes on our hair gets messier, our makeup looks less polished. And it doesn't matter. I've never seen someone so pretty. Seeing the way she looks at me I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same thing about me. If we weren't at a prom I'd kiss her now, tell her never to leave me. Because what would I do without her? We could live the rest of our lives alone, but I'd much rather live in the company of her. "I love you." I say.

She flashes her adorable smile. "I love you too Kats."

The music starts to change, slower songs turn on, the room quiets slightly. She rests her hands on my hips and I put mine on her shoulders. "This is cheesy as shit." She says, laughing.

"I know it is. But we only get tonight to be cheesy." I reply, she kisses my cheek.

She giggles pulling away from me. After a moment I cups her cheeks with my  hands and pull her lips to mine. She kisses me gently but sweetly. "Happy now?" I ask.

"I'm always happy around you." She replies.

I can't keep myself from laughing and I pull myself closer to her. "You're so weird." I tease.

When we make eye contact her eyes light up. "I'm so happy right now you don't even know." She says.

My fingers feel the fabric of her dress, her hands on my hips feel like electricity. "Trust me. I do know. I feel the same way."

I lean on her while the next song starts. There's nothing that would make this more perfect. For right now this is all I want. I want her in my arms, and to feel the music in the room, swaying like the inexperienced high schoolers we are. And I have that. I have what I never expected to have.

I- I think that's the end. I wish I could write this forever you have no idea lol. Next I think (I make no promises) should be CrackerBee. Probably also a high school A/U

So I don't think anyone would care if I wrote a sequel for this but I have a plot and I'll probably write it anyways. Keep your eyes out guys, I promise I have more fics coming :p

Thank you sooo much if you read all the way through, it really means a lot.

Have the best day!

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