Chapter 10

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TW: very slight mention of past abuse and this chapter is a little heavy in the emotions category

Trixie POV-

I'm mad that Katya would blow up on me instead of just talking. I love the girl, I really do, but her refusal to emote is getting to be a problem. I wish she would just loosen up and understand she doesn't need to be afraid of telling me things. It makes me nervous when I get yelled at. She looked surprised at my lack of tears when she went off but I don't cry when I get yelled at anymore. Instead I just go blank. My step dad was an asshole, he screamed at me all the time and if I cried he got physical. So of course I don't cry when Katya yells at me. I just left. I went to the nurses office, told her I was sick, and went home. Now, I regret it. I'm mad at myself.

I shouldn't have told Katya I didn't know if I would go with her. This wouldn't have been happening if I'd have just agreed to go. In a way I do want to go with her. But I know if we go they'll start calling her a dyke too and I don't want her to have to deal with that. I've figured it out, and though I know she's tough, something tells me she can't handle more stress right now. I wasn't trying to be a bad friend in my reasoning, I was trying to protect her. Part of me is so torn. She shouldn't have reacted like that but I shouldn't have denied her like it was a shock that she asked. It's all a mess now. My grandma is getting home late again so I go to my bedroom and sit on the bed. When I'm sure nobody will find me I let tears stream down my face. This was the one relationship I didn't want ruined. I didn't want her to yell at me, or tell me I don't understand.

I know I don't understand. I never do. It's so hard to figure out what everyone is thinking and feeling and with her she's so good at hiding it. She mentioned something about the rumors about her past but I haven't heard any new ones. There were some before she came that I heard but since then there's been nothing to my knowledge. If there were new ones she'd tell me right? If they were being mean she'd tell me. But anymore, I'm not sure if she would.

After a few minutes I'm full on sobbing. I just lay there for a bit but then I grab my guitar and play a little until I've calmed myself down. It's getting a little late for my grandma not to be home yet so I get my phone to text her. My ringer has been off. She texted me to tell me she was stopping at the store and will be here in 10 minutes. More importantly I have 5 missed calls from Katya.

I know I should call her back and as I'm working up the courage to do so the phone vibrates and her name shows up. I pick it up with shaky hands. "Hi." I manage.

"Hey." She replies. "I'm sorry, I think I get what you were trying to say."

Before I can stop it I'm crying again and trying to hide it, afraid she'll think I'm attempting to manipulate her or something.

"Are you crying?" She murmurs.

"Yeah." I respond. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Do you want to come over and talk? I could come over to your house."

I do want her to come. I hate being emotional over the phone. "That's fine." I say. "My grandma is getting home in a few minutes."

"Okay." She says. "I'll come over now is that alright?"


"Bye hon."


It doesn't take her long to drive over and she pulls in only a few minutes after my grandma gets home. I go to answer the door and Katya follows me down the hallway to my bedroom. She looks a mess, like she's been hit by all kinds of emotion. Katya sits at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you."

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