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still billies pov

(btw this is all happening when she got home from the mourning thing )

I was lying down when i realized that i might actually have caught feelings for a guy i barely knew.
He was so hot and i liked him and i couldn't stop feeling this way. I was only 17 and he was 20 something. Like what?????? This feeling just kept spiraling around my head and i remembered that i asked Issac for his ig but then i got a text.

IT WAS FROM HIM! Like wtf is happening???? and i had already followed him so i immediately checked what he said.

                        convo between b and que
mtvsevenamp: hey uh is dis billie??

wherearetheavocados: lmao yes wassup

mtvsevenamp: i just wanted to check on u bc i noticed u tearing up at the thing.

i thought ," damn he must really care abt me."
then i said out loud that man does not care abt me i'm a fucking 17 year old girl why would he possibly care abt me? 

wherearetheavocados: yes i'm just really fucking sad bro like he would always check up on ppl and ONLY cared for ppl and helped ppl

mtvsevenamp: well u wanna talk abt it bc u sound super hurt?

This made me super happy bc i wanted to see his face so i asked him if facetime was okay. He said yes.

time skip to the next morning

i woke up to the loudest ogre sounding snoring i've ever heard. And i was so fucking confused bc i had just woke up and didn't know where it was coming from. Then i looked at my phone and realized that's where it was coming from. I automatically knew it was que and smiled like crazy. I texted him to wake up so he could hear the ding on his phone.

He then woke up and put his face in the camera with the wildest bed head ever. It was cute. Then he smiled at me and it made me super soft which i hated. Why was this random 20 y/o guy making me feel this way?  I didn't know honestly.

Then he told me he had to take a shower so we had said our goodbyes.

I put my head up to the smell of my mom making burritos which made me jump up so fast istg.
She asked "how are you holding up billie? I really hope your doing okay." she said before kissing my head. I told her it was really hard and would take me a minute to get over. Butttt i told her that i made this friend last night who talked to me abt the situation and comforted me.

I ate my burritos and went back to my room. I got a text from Issac saying that they wanted me to come over their house to chill and i told them i was down but it wasn't until. I had later went out with finneas to walk pepper and we just laffed at how i got water poured on me at the thing. Then i talked to finneas abt the guy i met. And he fully supported us being friends as long as we weren't too physical with each other. And i said wtf as if i didn't want that. We eventually went back in and i was getting dressed.

this is what she wore.

I asked finneas to take me after i asked my mom can i go

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I asked finneas to take me after i asked my mom can i go. And when we got there i went to knock and brandon opened the door and my heart sunk to my stomach. He opened his arm to hug me and i leaned in and i heard someone say , "OOO" and i looked over at this guy i've never seen. "Aye man!" Que said looking at him and sorta whispering. I saw him give him this look like when your doing something your not supposed to be doing in public and ur mom looks at you. (yeah that look) I felt kinda embarrassed idk why though.

We were having the best time. And then i saw brandon going up stairs and telling me to come here. When i tell u my heart was beating in my throat it was. I had got up and went and he brought me in this room where he asked me to lay with him bc he wanted to tell me something. He had laid down and as i was going to go lay next to him the twins came in. Recording.
When i tell u i was aggravated I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED. And he posted the video and tagged me and que and in the video u can CLEARLY tell i was mad.

But before i was abt to ask him to delete it i remembered that my fans would get suspicious but i guess that deleting it would be suspicious so i didn't.

(okay cliffhanger again bc i am fucking tired it's 1 am wtf. okay i'll update tmr as if any of u care but thanks if u read it this far ilyyy)

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