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As i was getting up i said get the fuck out to Issac bc he wouldn't leave and was recording us but he didn't hear me so i just got up and left. But before i left the room i looked at que and he whispered call me

I was about to call finneas to come pick me up but before i did que said he could take me and i was completely down so i said yeah. We got in the car and was playing music and just shouted the words the whole ride and honestly just vibing.

When we got to my house he turned down the music and we just locked eyes for a while and idk what i was thinking but i started to lean in and so did he. We eventually connected lips and we kissed for a while. Then he pulled away. I was so confused.

" We can't." he said.
"Why?" i said
"Sorry billie, but i ..."

He got interrupted by a knock on the window. It was finneas. I was HOPING he didn't see anything. He told me to come in so i waved goodbye to que and left.
(time skip; she's in bed after taking a shower)

I really wanted to know why he pulled away. I was so angry and confused so i decided to text him.

are u up?
delivered 10:17 pm

He didn't respond so i decided to just go to bed.

( okay i'm the dumbest person ever so billie is 17 in this so she has a car already and i forgot. i'm a dumbass sorry so she has a car from now on. )

I woke up and i couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. I got up and threw a outfit on and some shoes and went out to get taco bell. I got my burritos and went back home. I got a call from gawa saying they were meeting at que's house to chill so i agreed then i heard someone saying no in the background then he hung up and i thought nothing of it so i went to go eat my burritos. Mind you i left my phone in my room so i wasn't on it. I eventually got done with my burritos so i grabbed my phone without looking at it and my keys and left.

Gawa's pov
The twins told me we were hanging out at que's house today and told me to invite billie for some reason i just thought it was us today but i called her.

                  convo otp between billie and gawa
Gawa "aye billie you tryna hang today?"
Billie "i'm down. where at?"
Gawa "Que crib."

Then i heard que whisper no to me and looked at Tani and i accidentally hung up and i kept calling billie to tell her not to come but she didn't pick up. I eventually gave up. And I told que but we didn't know what to do and she was more than likely on her way anyway.

billie's pov
I got to que's house and saw someone sitting on his lap through the window and she looked at me as if she said, "who is this bitch," in a stank face kinda look. Que then jumped up to open the door as if i didn't just see some girl sitting on his lap.

I turned around almost tearing up and left as soon as i saw his face when he opened the door. I drove home crying over an unfaithful guy. why? I stormed in my room while my family asked what was wrong but i just kept going, and slammed my door behind me.

I laid there and realized why he pulled away. It because he had a gf. I was really sad and for what?? We just met. But before i was abt to go to sleep finneas told me ****** was at the door for me. I went out to answer it and it was ..

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