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As i was going to open the door i heard this voice that sounded like the twins. I opened the door and saw issac standing there and eventually telling me that sev wanted to talk to me in the car. I was really not in the mood to but i just did it anyway.

I walked to the car and saw sev and instantly got butterflies. I got in and he put his hands out as if he wanted to hold mine and he did. I held his hands and stared into his eyes.


"Billie i'm really sorry.. i never wanted to hurt yo-"
"Well you did." i said letting go of his hands.
He then pushed his lips on mine really hard and we started making out. A lot. He started putting his hands around my neck squeezing it a little. Knowing me i enjoyed that very much.

Elijah knocked and said "Aight aight aight that's enough."
"Fuck.." i whispered.
"Shit." sev said.
"Look like y'all was having fun." issac said while him and elijah were laughing.
"Aye man y'all can't tell tani bout this. I'm being deadass."
"We gotchu." they said.

I wanted to keep going so bad but maybe this was a sign we should stop.

I went in and told my family that we talked out a very complicated situation.

I went in my room and turned on my lights, laid down, and played some music.
I was thinking so much about how much i missed his soft lips and all i wanted was him.

                                                              can we talk?
                                                           seen 12:49 am
typing ...

I texted him bc i just wanted to ask him about us. what were we? And what about his girlfriend Tani.

                                                              can we talk?
yuh ima facetime you bc i wanna see you ..

                                       lmao i'm tryna see u too

                               incoming call..

"So what are we..?" i said.
"Wym?" he said.
"Sev you have a girlfriend.. we kissed twice already and the last one was really intimate. And i- i really enjoyed it."
"I enjoyed it too.."
"We can't keep doing this seven.. you have a girlfriend !!"
"I really like you!"

I cant believe he said said that. I have feelings for him bc he's so- . I really wanna be with him but he just had to have a girlfriend. But i was wondering if he would be willing to give up her for me.

"I really like you too."
"You wanna come over tomorrow to just talk bc we need to."
"What about tani?"
"I'll take care of her you don't need to worry."
"Alright goodnight seven."
"Goodnight b."

(time skip to the next morning)
Today i was going to take advantage of being alone with him sooo ..

i wore this

He had agreed to pick me up so i just waited for him to pick me up

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He had agreed to pick me up so i just waited for him to pick me up.
I was scrolling through ig when he called and said he was outside. I told my mom i was leaving and then i left. I walked outside and saw him standing there.  We hugged for a while and he smelled soooo good!!!! I didn't want to let go.

Que's pov
When i saw her walk out the door i didn't know what to say but that she was so hot. But i didn't want to say that because i have a girlfriend. We hugged really tight and she smelled so good i didn't want to let her go.

Billie's pov
We were on our way to his house while we were listening to music. Then we eventually got there. And he said that he noticed that his living room light was on. I kinda got worried bc i didn't know what was happening. He told me to stay behind while he goes and checks. I couldn't be separated from him especially not at this time so i said no. We went in and we heard lots of squeaks coming from upstairs.
"What the fuck is that." Sev said
He went upstairs and said "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!"

Que's  pov
I went up stairs and saw my girlfriend with some other light skinned dude in the bed i've never seen before. They saw me and quickly covered themselves and said "iTs Not whAt it LooKs likE!"
I turned around to see if billie was okay but she was what i was worried about the most right now.
I told tani to pack her shit and leave bc i was done with her.
Billie's pov
I had never seen sev this mad before so i just sat back and stood there.
I really wanna know why she would cheat on such an amazing person. He turned to see if i was okay and i just nodded. Tani eventually left and sev went to go sit down. I sat next to him and grabbed his arm and laid on his shoulder. I turned his head and i said he was gonna be okay and i was here for him. He leaned in and i pushed him away and said "this isn't the time." and then i gave in and started making out with his big soft lips. He pulled off my tank top to where i only had on a bra while not pulling away. He picked me up and took me to the bed while not breaking the kiss. He threw me down and took off his shirt. His abs turned me on even more.

He got on top of me and pulled off my sweats. Then he started kissing down my neck to my stomach when we heard a knock at the door. As i was getting up i noticed hickies ALL over me and i showed him and he kissed me and smiled. I was looking out the door when i saw miss blue haired tani. I heard her say that she needed somewhere to stay the night and que said that she could sleep on the couch for the night. Then he told her that i was there too and she wasn't happy.

"What NO?!"
"Then why is this bitch here?"

Then i came out to defend myself with no shirt so she can see what was going on while she was gone.
"I AM NOT A BITCH. At lease i got your man now and i'm not a ugly ass cheater like you.
"You know what Tani i don't think you staying here is gonna work." Sev said
"Just leave."
Then she left.
And i just told my mom i didn't feel like coming back home so i just told her that zoe took me back to her place. Sev came and picked me up and then took me back to the bed.

(was this chapter good cause idrk. lmk your guys feedback)

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