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billie's pov
I was in the car on ig when i saw one of the worst things i could have ever seen . My friend x had passed. As soon as i saw this i bursted into tears. I couldn't believe my eyes.

My team and family had asked what was wrong. I said " x just passed," in the softest most broken voice ever. They all gasped and comforted me. I made a video on snap and titled it "my heart is broken".

After i heard this had happened i didn't want to talk to anyone all i wanted to do was go home.

time skip to the next day

I woke up to a text from Issac.

(convo between billie and issac)
issac "Aye billie i heard what happened and i hope u doing okay. "

billie " i'm trying but wassup? "

issac "We had thought about going to this ig mourn thing for x where they play his songs and we just vibe to other songs to lighten the mood a little bit. u down? "

billie " yes please i need to take my mind off of this for a little while .."

issac "Ight bet"

{time skip to the day of the thing} also they just kept talking about where it was and other random stuff.

As i was looking for something to wear i just started crying bc he was like my person. (ifkyk) And i'm gonna be missing him like crazy. I had finally found something to wear,

this is what she wore.

and then i got a text from elijah saying they were otw

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and then i got a text from elijah saying they were otw. Before i left i told my mom and dad where i was going.
Then i heard a beep outside and assumed that it was them.

When i got in i saw this guy with neon green and bright pink hair in the passenger seat. He was fine asffff. I couldn't take my eyes off of him and neither did he.
Issac said " This is Que or Brandon or Seven. You can call him either one."
I said " Wassup," with a small smirk on my face.
He did it back.
Then Issac said " and Que this is Billie she is the whitest person you'll ever meet," he said laughing.
"STFU!" i said laughing as well.
"Wassup billie." que said.

We had finally arrived to the place and went inside.
They were already playing one of his songs called bad vibes forever which had already made me tear up a little. Que had noticed and kinda pushed my arm and smiled at me then walked passed.

I had saw this girl who looked extremely familiar so i went up and asked her name.
"hey what's ur name u look really familiar."

then she screamed ..


and i immediately knew who she was and i said "wassuppppp!" and i asked for her number so we could talk. Then i heard elijah call me and as i was going over she fucking poured water on me!!

And i went over and grabbed her and put her down eventually.

I was soaking wet.
And then we just vibed for a little while.
(time skip to a few hours)
We had all rode home together while laughing and joking in the car and then i had got dropped off at home.
Then i got a text from this person named "mtvsevenamp" and when i read it, it said ...

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