Its all becuz of him

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"its all becuz of him.......... I will teach him a lesson for this, I will make him suffer "

"you better do it"- Jackson


"I have to do something....hey tell me some ideas"-tae

"Mmmmm can we lock him in the washroom??"-leedo

"yes!that's good we will start  the day with it"-jjk

"yeah! hey  Jimin follow him for the day and text me where he is going, what is he doing, and Taemin, you also go with him, okay?

"yes!! sir*funny way*"-both Taemin and Jimin

*murmurings* - students *whispering*

"Wanna pick a fight with me, go back to your classes bitches"-tae to students

"oh sorry" they left

"seeing these people making me angrier, let's go, he should regret messing with me"

" yeah let's go"

yoongi pov:

"*sigh*another annoying day" I spot a familiar gang(only two are there but still)in  front of my class

why are they here?aishhh but tae is not there!

wht tae??!!TAEHYUNG

"hello mr.min yoongi, what's up"-jimin*windshield laugh*whats so funny

I ignored them and got inside my class

"that's so sad, not even a hello"-taemin*hehe*

"yoo yoongi bro,.................."o shit yoongi, they r here to take revenge for yesterday

"How did u know abt that?" "some students posted the video and the whole college saw it"

"hey you, move"-Jimin to hoseok

"he is sitting here!go take another seat"-yoongi

"no! I won't move, yeah go take another seat, see*points right*there "-hoseok

"oh really? but we want to sit here"

"are u planning to move or I have to throw u out"


"its ok yoongi, I will move"*whisper*take care*

"But you don't have to"

*smiles*-hoseok *left*

"you!what's ur problem ? I don't actually understand, its was tae who made all those fuss yesterday"

"what tae*pwuhaha*"

"i-i mean taehyung"

"*pwuhahah*dude we have to tell this to TAE(PWUHAHA)"Jimin to Taemin 

shit whats wrong with me, tae? bullshit 

they sat next to me

"give me your pen"-taemin*snatches*


"hey give me back my notebook!"

"hey give me back my bag!"


argh what an exhausting day

wait,  why are those following me 

I turned towards them"do u need anything from me?"

"where are you heading to?"-Jimin

"I asked, what do u need from me?"

" aren't you gonna use the washroom?"-Taemin


yoongi, I think they are planning something, lets run away from them and hide somewhere-hoseok

but they will catch us-yoongi

"why is there a crowd? did something happened?"Jimin to Taemin

"yes crowd, let's go to the crowd"-yoongi

we got inside the crowd, they were talking about the video of tae, these girls don't have any other works or what. Taemin and Jimin got stuck in between the girls as they were popular among girls af. we then slowly slide out of the crowd and escaped

"*sigh*those dumb guys, what the hell  r they planning, first of all,  it wasn't me who made all those fusses"

"so what are we gonna do next?"-hoseok

"what are we gonna do?!is there something we have to do?"-yoongi

"even if it isn't you or him, he is got gonna sit simply"-hoseok

"I always wanted my college life to be calm and quiet but I think it will not be"-yoongi

"anyway did u get the book"-hoseok

"book? oh that! yes!! I got, I started reading it, omg it was so good!!!!!!!!"-yoongi

"actually.... I-i haven't asked you this before............why are u reading gay books? even when u aren't one??"

"to be honest I don't know why, but I started reading those because of my sis Yoon Ji, she was a fujoshi. when I read those, I  feel that she is with me so that I don't feel lonely even when she can no longer be with me"

"I am sorry, I was just curious"

"it's okay I can understand"

Jimin pov:

"aish*pants* these girls, they couldn't even let us go"

we hardly escaped from those girls no we ran away from them

"Jimin, where is yoongi? and that guy?"

"don't tell me, we lost them!"-Jimin

"tae will kill us"-Jimin

"We better don't tell this to him"-Jimin

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