Truth Game

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Hiya my Gay Gang and PanPals! This is going to be a short SnowBaz oneshot, it literally has no plot, it's just a cute party game where Baz's "secret" comes out. :D Enjoy!! Also italics in speech marks are someone's thoughts (this will probably be true in most of my stories)

Sadly none of these character belong to me, though I would love to keep them as mine own. 


It was Saturday at lunch when "it" happened. What do I mean by "it" you ask? Well I was casually sitting down at my normal seat not eating anything, and definitely NOT watching Snow eat, when SUDDENLY Dev and Niall burst through the doors dramatically (I've taught them well). 

They made a huge speech which I wasn't listening too, I was too busy focusing on Snow's facial expressions. When they were done they did an over accentuated bow and strutted over to our usual table. 

"So Bazzy Boy, whadda think?" Niall asked me with a playful smile. 

"Frick, might of been a little bit important then..."

This is fine..I could pull this off without them knowing I was staring at someone specific...

"First", I said in a threatening tone, "Never EVER call me that. Second, I didn't listen to your dumb speech because I can only cope with your irritating voices for so long."

"Hah Perfection! You lied with complete class while threatening them and bringing the sass. They won't suspect ANYTHINGGG! Ten out of ten! Beautiful."

They both gave me twin glares, but there were smiles beneath them. 

"We just set up a killer party dude, there's gonna be dances, music, food and games. Everyone's already agreed to come. Now there's just you. So, are you in?" Dev told me grinning. 

I was about to tell them that i'm not that tacky and I don't need two idiots for entertainment until a sudden thought occurred to me. 

"Everyone's coming?" I asked them, my eyes involuntarily sliding over to a mess of bronze curls. I was too absorbed in thought that I didn't see the matching smirks on my friends faces. 

"Sure, I guess it couldn't hurt to come..." I said,  answering my own question.

How wrong I was...

Time Skip Brought To You By Dev And Niall's Knowing Smirks

It was the night of the party and my mind was rushing through everything that could go wrong. I had half a heart to just retire for the day and eat crisps in my room. But then Simon walked out of our bathroom in a stunning grey suit, and instantly I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I stayed. 

So I got changed into a deep green suit and got ready. Soon after Simon had left I walked towards the room.

Time Skip Brought To You By Lazy Writers Block

The party had been going on for around half an hour and I was already regretting coming. It was a decent party except for one tiny factor. Simon -Bloody- Snow kept dancing with Wellbelove. The only thing that kept me from leaving was that I knew they weren't dating anymore. Luckily Wellbelove had cut things off when she figured out she was a lesbian. Ha, looks like me and Wellbelove do have something in common after all.  

Soon enough people were getting bored of dancing so Dev and Niall introduced the first game. It was a simple truth game, where one person thought of a question and everyone had to answer it truthfully. After explaining how it worked Niall went around and gave everyone a drink that would force you not to lie. We all drank it and Dev and Niall sat down next to me. 

"I'm straig- i'm stra..." I tried to say

"What was that Baz?" Dev asked with all innocence.

"Oh nothing, just making sure it worked" I replied, copying his innocent expression. 

Dev started the game with a simple question. 

"Favourite colour?"

Everyone's answers were pretty mundane, except Simon's (or maybe I was just bias.. ). He said grey, the grey of when dark green and dark blue mix. 

It went around in a circle and everyone asked and answered questions. Soon enough it was Niall's turn. He smirked at Dev and said louder than necessary "Who is your..." he paused for empathize.

 "Geez bro tone it down. I should be the most dramatic person in the school not you. Now just ask your damn question" 

As if hearing my silent prayer he continued "celebrity crush!"

"oh no. oh no. nononononono. This is NOT good. FRICKKKK! Well, that's that. My life is over. I'll have to move schools. Heck, I'll have to move COUNTRY. Or... planets. YES THAT! I will move planets. Is that a thing? Can you do that? Fricking hell, I'll make it a thing. ARRRRRG THIS IS SO NOT GOOD!!"

While I was having a internal crisis everyone was going around the circle saying their answers. Simon said Zac Efron (Intriguing, that's a guy... so dos that mean..?). All too soon it was my turn. As hard as I tried the potion I took stopped me from lying, but it also stopped me from not saying anything. So against my will I blurted out my answer.

"Simon Snow" I exclaimed. All the blood I drank last night rushed up into my cheeks, and although I was looking down in... fear? embarrassment? worry? I could feel everyone's eyes on me. 

Making a fast decision I did the only rational thing I could think of. 

"Well times up, I'm pretty tired so I think i'm going to head out. Nice game guys, see ya!" I said and strolled outside as casually as possible. 

"Well Frick... I'm done for"

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