Chapter 9

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The plans were set. Heroes were at the ready. Everyone was willing to do anything to save the little girl.

Izuku was holding onto the backpack that was lazily slung over his shoulder. Guns, knives and even a bomb were in there and nobody knew. He knew that he wouldn't be allowed to bring them so he asked someone above them and got a 'good to go' on them.

Mirio seemed to be absant-minded since he last saw Eri. He wanted her to be safe and happy again. Everyone wanted that. The plan was going to be set in motion at exactly nine o'clock in the morning. A time where everyone on the street was either at school or at work. 

It may look like Izuku was just going on his phone to pass the time but, he was contacting the two other members of his group so that they could hack into the system in the other's base. The greenette would have done it on his own but, it would take too long on his phone. Smiling, Izuku found the quickest route to where Eri would be and where Overhaul would try to fight them with the large open space for his quirk.  Secret passages were hidden everywhere so mesmerizing this floorplan would be a lifesaver.

" Get ready! It's almost time!" A police member shouted to the others and loud enough so the heroes could hear it too. Getting off his phone once he memorized the map, he fastened the backpack on and got ready to charge in. 

Soon enough, the gates were opened and everyone was charging in. Heroes and police officers were trying to get past them on the ground while Izuku was jumping on their heads and shoulders to get into the house. Once inside, he was able to take out the members leading to the secret staircase. Pressing down the tiles, he was met with two more members by the time everyone else caught up with him.

" How were you able to do that?" Nighteye asked looking at the boy. Apparently, he didn't know that he was part of the special forces so he just ran down the stairs. Noway he was going to answer him when someone's life and freedom was on the line, hell to the no.

Looking both ways, he stopped for a moment while remembering the map. While the others caught up with him again, he pointed to the right and ran that way with the others following him. Sir Nighteye and some others split up at the next junction. 'Idiotic move. If you followed me we would still have more numbers.' he thought while Mirio and some others followed him. 

Tamiki was able to keep a few members at bay while Kirishima and Fatgum were separated. " We are losing too many numbers, let's go!" Izuku shouted for the others and soon, everyone was separated with walls.

"Shit," He sighed and got out his bomb and was about to detonate it when he heard Mirio shout at Overhaul. It would take a minute for the bomb to go off and a few more to get to him but it was by far the quickest way to get there. 

The bomb erupted fear into some heroes and villains alike, thinking that one of their own got hurt or killed but it was just Izuku. Plain old Agent Deku.

Running down halls that looked alike, he found Sir Nighteye with a spike in his abdomen and Mirio holding onto Eri. 'Quirk-erasing bullets' He thought while looking over at one of the plage masked men. Rumerging into their pockets, he found a case of four bullets and put them into a secret pocket before throwing a knife at Overhaul.

" Overhaul. I hope you came prepared," He said when the knife lodged into the other's arm. Running at each other, the greenette jumped over the spikes and held the bag in his hand when wings spurted out his pack. One wing was bigger than the other, it shot out flaming shards at Overhaul who dodged but didn't dodge a bullet coming his way. 

Discarding his bag, he grabbed enough daggers and guns before making sure Eri and Mirio were getting away from there. " You think you can beat me?! You're just a trainee!" The older laughed at him while a smirk appeared on the other's features. " Me?! Oh! I'm Agent Deku, glade to finally meet you, Overhaul," His voice was sickly sweet and a sickening smile was accompanied with it. A voice came through a radio he had on him, they were in position. 

Overhaul was working on dodging attacks while making his way over to his fallen partner. They merged together and called out for Eri. " Don't listen to him," He muttered but his prayers weren't answered as he soon saw the little girl emerge from the rubble. 

Making a large pillar upwards, Overhaul grabbed Eri and stood on top of it. The wings on his back turned from green to blue and now he was racing towards them at full speed. " Eri! Jump!" He shouted at the girl who reversed Overhaul back into two people before jumping into the kind man's arms as she called him. 

Eminence power flowed over him, it felt like the time when he got his quirk. Flying back down to Sir Nighteye, he was able to get him to the surface where the paramedics would be.

Now the only thing left to do ... was to end Overhaul. Eri wouldn't be safe on the ground so he tied her to his back, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. Rushing towards the monster, he shot some fire at him before jumping onto an arm. Blue flames came out of his palm towards the creature whose arm was unable to regenerate once being burnt off. 

Strings of curses came from the older's mouth as he was being burnt, one limb at a time until, " Goodbye, Overhaul," was the last thing her heard before he blacked out. Gently coming back to the ground, Izuku took the little girl off of his back and walked over to Sir NIghteye. " Eri, focus on your breathing, okay?" He asked while slowing bringing her hand onto the other's shoulder. The injury that he got slowly started to disappear and then, he was back to the state he was in before the fight. 

As Eri continued to focus on her breathing, she started to fall unconscious in Izuku's arms. She looked up at him and said, " Thank you," and her eyes closed, she was okay now. Everyone who was injured went to the hospital while the other's went back home. Izuku went to the hospital with 3rd-degree burns on his hands and back, adrenaline stopped him from feeling the pain until it wore off.

He was now asleep in a hospital bed, happy that he could save Eri form the clutches of that beast.



So, I had an idea for a new book. It's a Jirou x Deku book where they have a family. Posting the first chapter soon, hope you will like it.




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