Chapter Four - Inconceivable Proposal

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The car came to a halt outside of Kira's home. She turned back to look at Robyn, thanking her for the ride with a hug.

After the incident in the hospital with the most disrespectful man, Giovanni Brown, she called Robyn to come and get her. The entire drive, Kira explained what happened in the hospital. Robyn was angry as well and would have marched up to that room if she hadn't left and if Kira told her sooner.

"Don't let him corrupt your day, Kira. Can't give him that kind of power."

Kira smiled. "Duly noted," she grabbed my purse. "I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too and tell Mr. Sanders I said good luck at his meeting. He'll get his upgrade."

She nods, pulling the door handle and pushing it open. Kira walked up the pavement to the small home she shared with her father while digging for the keys. On the first step she took, the keys slipped out of her hand. Bending down to grab them, she continued walking to the door. Once unlocked, Kira waved to Robyn, letting her know she was good to go before heading inside.

"Dad?" She called out, closing the door behind her.

The house was silent. She slipped off my heels and was ready to get out of the dress. She was due for a long hot shower. Kira locked the door and walked to the kitchen hoping to find her father there. He wasn't. Instead, she found a white notecard with her name written elegantly on the front of it on top of the counter. Kira grabbed the notecard and flipped it over, reading the familiar handwriting. It was a message letting her know he would be out for most of the day and was in good faith that she would take care of the bakery and that he loved her.

Sighing, she placed the notecard back down. She had a feeling that something was going on with her dad and worried about him. He's been a lot busy lately and the bills he promised to pay were long overdue. He was not telling her something and whatever it is; she hopes he talks to her soon.

Kira made her way to her bedroom and got herself prepped for a nice, well-needed shower. The water was steaming hot. She allowed the water to course over her hair and flow down her body from there. As much as she tried to relax, she couldn't. The arrogant man has surfaced her mind in a short period.

He was just so rude. Trying to buy her and have sex with her was not what someone would call a reward. He was ill-mannered and so full of himself. What kind of man would do something like that to her after saving his life? Never in her life has she met an arrogant man.

And that smack she served him, he deserved every ounce of force she put into it.

Though Kira didn't regret it, it was out of her character. It upset her she allowed him to touch her and ease into her mind. He was a man, after all. One of the hard ones that you have substantially make understand. He pushed her buttons, and she retaliated.

Just thinking of him at this very moment made her blood boil.

Thankfully, the house phone rang, distracting her. She wrapped up her shower and reached for a towel. She let the call go to voicemail while dressing in her work clothes. Once finished, she put her hair into a nice slick back center ponytail; she grabbed the house phone and looked for the sudden caller. Her face scrunched up into confusion when she realized the familiar digits of the bank. A beeping noise halted her movement. They left a voicemail; she pressed it and listened.

Dear Mr. Sanders,

This is a voice-recorded audio. You will expect a visitor in the afternoon to deliver an ultimate message. This is not something we want to do, but we have to do. Please enjoy the rest of your day.

The other line beeped, and she hanged it back up. Confusion was all Kira felt when she heard the message. What was the ultimate message? Oh, no. It must be about the overdue bills for the shop. Oh, she prayed that the matter was not as bad as she thought it to be.

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