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I held him from his hands and waist and tried to drag him to the reception room.

He wasn't that heavy, so it was easy. My one hand rested on his waist and other was holding his hands which were on my shoulders.

I turned on the lights and realised that it was Yoongi, to be honest, I knew that he was Yoongi cause of his smell but another smell came from him and that was of alcohol, that means he was drunk.

"Aishh!!! This guy is drunk but it is not an excuse to kiss me, I should hand him to the cops probably" I said while giving him a disgusting look.

"What should I do, its already late" I sighed

I called the management and told them about Him, they suggested me to take him to my house and then they'll pick him up in the morning as they didn't want to take any risk.

"Umm, okay I'll take him," I said yo the manager on the call.

"Please be careful, make sure that no one clicks your pictures," he said on the other side of the call.

I could feel from his voice that he was worried about Yoongi and so I was about our image. I didn't want to be part of any scandal.

"Okay Yoongi, tike to go home," I said while picking him up again. I fixed his one hand around my waist and another on my shoulders. His grip was tight and even though he wasn't conscious but his body tried to take his own weight.

"Kyong-ahh, your smell is driving me crazy," he said in his deep drunk but more like morning voice.

"I know I am sweating but I am not smelling that bad," I said while walking in the hallway with him.

"No, I mean I feel like I know your smell, I know this smell, I know you, we have met, I know you" and this went like forever

"It's all in your Mind Yoongi and you are drunk right now," I said while pressing the button in the lift.

"No, the moment I met you in the reception, I felt I know you and I know your smell, you weren't wearing any cologne but your body odour is way too familiar to me," he said while resting his head on the part between my breast and neck just like a child.

"This feels so good, you feel so good. It feels exactly like that night five years ago" he said

I didn't pay much attention to what he said until I remembered that night five years ago.

"Yes, that night was indeed the best one," I said.

We reached the parking and I tugged Yoongi in the car. I made him wear and mask and glasses to cover his face as much as possible.

I started to drive and when I looked at him, he was already sleeping but for some weird reason, he researches Hyojin like hell. He looked exactly like her while sleeping.

☆||MARRIED TO MIN YOONGI|| YOONGI FF X BTS||COMPLETED||☆Where stories live. Discover now