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Finally, I was done cooking; it was still raining outside and I could see the lightning. Yoongi and Hyojin were playing in the living rooms of, to be honest, they became quite good friends, for some unknown reason, they looked so identical that I was shocked beyond limits. I always thought; Hyojin got his fathers look and seeing them together was shocking.

"Can you let me play this?" she said while pointing towards the electrical piano. Yoongi was doing something on his laptop, probably making music. Last night, it was me who took his bag and brought it home.

"Sure, come here. I'll teach you how to play it" he said and Hyojin sat in his lap.

"Do you want to sing?" he asked

"Yes, I live singing and dancing" Hyojin replied with enthusiasm and her gummy smile was at its peak.

"What do you do Uncle Yoongi?" she asked while her hands moved in sync with Yoongi's.

"I make music and perform them" he replied

"You mean, you dance and sing?" she asked

"Yes, I do dance and sing and rap as well," he said

"Oh, I want to be like you, exactly like you. Please teach me how to dance and sing like you and rap also" Hyojin said with all her enthusiasm.

"Okay, let's sing this song. It is called spring day" he said and started to play it.

They both played piano together and sang the song. For a moment, I felt like my family is complete and this is what I wanted for her. I was standing there and looking at them like a stupid person when Yoongi said.

"You can also join us"

"Ohh, no-no; I don't have any singing talent," I said while making my way to the kitchen again.

"Really? Then how did she ended up getting such a good hand in music and singing?" he asked looking at Hyojin.

"She must have got it from her father" I whispers.

"Was I good?"Hyojin asked

"Ohh, you were amazing Hyojin," he said while kissing her on the forehead.

"Ohh, its time for my Cartoon. I am taking my leave teacher and thank you for the lesson" she said and ran in her room.

I was doing dishes in the kitchen when someone approached me from behind, I turned back and it was Yoongi.

"Umm, I know I was really bad last night but I am really sorry. It was just your smell that literally drove me crazy and I was drunk as well. Thanks for bringing here." he said while looking down. His hands reached for the plates and he started to wipe them.

"It's okay, it was part of my job plus you don't have to do that," I said while signalling him at the plates.

"Ohh, I should do that," he said in his deep raspy voice and continued to wipe them.

☆||MARRIED TO MIN YOONGI|| YOONGI FF X BTS||COMPLETED||☆Where stories live. Discover now