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I woke up with a ray of sunlight dangling on my face forcing me to open my eyes, I got up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee

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I woke up with a ray of sunlight dangling on my face forcing me to open my eyes, I got up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

"I can't start my day without coffee," I said as I proceeded to make one when the doorbell rang.

"Ding-dong" I walked towards the door lazily and opened it. It was Jungkook and Jimin who were standing on the other side of the door.

"Hey, guys?" I said as I confused

"We came to pick you up, Yoongi Hyung was busy, so he asked us," Jimin said

"But, we had to leave around lunchtime," I said as I was confused as hell.

"Yes, but since you guys will be driving to Daegu, so it will take time and secondly, the company is about to release a statement, after which your house will be surrounded by Media and it'll become tough to get out of here," jimin said in his angelic but dep voice.

"So, we decided to pick you up for breakfast with us and then you guys can leave," Jungkook said

"But I am not ready," I said as I was about to panic.

"It's okay, just wear anything casual and Yoongi Hyung has already bought clothes for you," they said as they made their way in the house.

"Where is Hyojin, by the way?" Jungkook asked

"Oh, she is with Mom and Dad. Actually, she is having her exams in school and I didn't want her to get distracted or anything" I said as I rushed towards the washroom.

"Please wait here, I'll get ready," I said while closing the door of my room.

"Oh, sure. Don't worry Kyong! We are comfortable here, please take your time" Jimin said as he switched on the T.V.


"Even if you don't put any efforts for dressing up, you look pretty Noona," Jungkook said as we drove to their dorm.

"Thank you so much kookie" I replied

Suddenly both of their started making noises, it was probably the notifications.

"Looks like the agency made the statement," Jimin said as he took his phone.

"Yes they did, and now both of your pictures are getting viral. Plus our ARMY is tending the hashtag" Yoongisgettingmarried" Jungkook said he started scrolling through his Twitter.

"Our ARMY is so cute, I hope they aren't hurt" he continued.

"I am nervous," I said as I also scrolled through Twitter and was shocked to see so many pictures of ours.

"It's okay, everything is gonaa be fine," Jimin said as we drove.

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