Third story: Split

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Character POV: Nobody in particular, this is written like a lab report.
CW: Human experimentation

Day 1
Subject 1 "Ari" has been obtained, graciously donated to Lotus Labs by Empress Joanne.
Subject description: female of about 13, with pale, long platinum blonde hair, with bright blue eyes. Subject has white pupils due to being a Magi. 
The goal of our testing is to increase her power as a Vessel for The Great Wind Goddess, Oxither. 
Testing shall commence tomorrow.

Day 2
We gave the subject low doses of ||||||||||||||||||, |||||||||||||||||, |||||||| and ||||||||||||| (commonly known as Hydra Blood). Subject 1 had an adverse reaction to these and threw up a bit of blood. Subject 1 also later complained of a headache. We will not be trying this combination again.


Day 3 
We gave the subject high doses of ||||||||||||||||||||| and |||||||||||||||||||||||. Subject has been complaining of a pain in her side. 
Subject was given a brief reprive of testing.

Day 5
Subject was asked to demonstrate her abilities. Both her abilities as a Vessel and as a Magi appear to be weaker, and she almost fainted afterwards.
Empress Joanne has ordered that we give her what was administered on Day 3, as well as ||||||||||||| and ||||||||||||||||||||| until further notice.
Day 6
Subject has been complaining that the side pain has developed into a lump that hurts even more. We are unsure as to what it could be.
Day 7
 After having the subject demonstrate her abilities again, she collapsed. Upon examination we found that the lump on her side has grown once again,  and more have spread across the length of the subject's entire body-though, curiously enough, only on the left side. 
We have decided to postpone testing for a week.
Day 14
There are two now.
Day 15
Subject 2 "Mari" is far more aggressive than subject 1. She attacks anything and anyone, even her other half. Subject 1 has been staying in corners due to fear. We haven't told Empress Joanne anything of this new development yet.
Day 16
Ability check. Subject 1 appears to be back to her normal strength. Subject 2, however, seems much stronger, with far more unstable magic.

Testing has concluded. They have both been returned to the Empress. 

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