Chapter: 2.

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Sorry if this escalates quickly??? I kind of just want to get to the point. Leave comments~

It was the weekend. Luke came over to my house to hang out. I wasn't feeling that well, but I was pretty sure it was just me getting nervous. What's there to be nervous about, anyway? right.
"Can't believe it's only been five days." Luke said, laughing.
"Right? Seems longer than that." I shook my head at the thought of our already growing friendship. It probably wasn't going to last, though.

We decided to go for a walk. We were having a great time, the best time I've had in a while, actually. It was getting dark out, but we decided to keep walking.
"Hey!" I heard a voice call from behind us. "Well look who it is." Another voice. I couldn't identify them, but..they sounded familiar. I looked over to Luke, seeing panic in his eyes. "What's wrong? Scared that we're gonna hurt you?" The voices said. I turned around to face them. Those two guys who pushed my books down! I rolled my eyes, motioning for Luke to keep walking. It felt like we got out of the situation until I felt a hard tug on the back of my shirt. Before I knew it, I know on the ground, being yelled and kicked. I heard Luke let out a cry of pain. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the stars in the sky.


I woke up in a hospital room, for some strange reason. The kicks weren't that bad. Even if they did kick me in the head, it was nothing to go to the hospital for. I looked around the room, spotting Luke in the chair. He had his arm in a cast and his left eye was swollen. "Hey." I tried to sit up, immediately whimpering at the pain.
"Hey, don't do that, alright?" Luke stood up, clearly concerned.
"..Why aren't you in a hospital bed? They didn't kick me that hard, did they?" I raised a brow, confused. I know I would be in pain for a couple of days, but it wasn't anything the doctors could fix.
"Ash, that-" I heard Luke take a breath. "That's not why you're in here, Ash. They did a cat-scan to see if you had a concussion or not. You don't, but.." Luke was biting his lip at this point, and Ashton was even more confused. Why did Luke mean? Ashton was perfectly fine. Well, his head hurt from those boys, but like Luke said, it wasn't what he was here for.
"They said you have cancer, Ash."

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