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Ace watched from below as the plane took off. Is she out of her mind!! He thought as he pulled his phone out. "Noah! Is he dead?" He yelled angrily as he walks back to his car.

"Not yet." Noah said with a smirk , watching the former king desperately seeking for some air.

"Don't kill him Noah. I need him. I'm on my way." He told Noah as he continued his drive back to the church.

She was crazy right? She was actually losing her mind over facts she had no idea about ! Why would she believe something a random person would say??! Ace said as he tried to put all the puzzles together but he couldn't. It just didn't make sense for her to just follow Damien.


When he got back to the church , he smirked proudly at all of the soldiers dead. They might have the most men but they didn't have the skills to actually kill someone. "Donovan!" Ace sneered as he walked up to him with a smile. "I should kill you."

"Go on! Kill me , I don't care . You're not going to get her back. She's the rightful soon to be queen , this was going to happen whether you liked it or not." Donovan sneered back as his eyes come large and his body showing no fear.

"I'm sick of hearing your damn voice! Just tell me where the hell that plane is going!" Ace said while landing a punch on Donovan's face. He kicked his stomach then grabbed him by his collar. "What's her name... Stacy right? The girl in the hospital you love? The one in a coma." Ace said , watching Donovan tense.

Gotcha . He thought. "Fine. Don't hurt her , I'll tell you where that plan is going." Donovan muttered as he looked up to Ace. "Paris."

"Paris? Ah that's right! You are the King of Paris. Well you're no use for me now." He said as he looked to Noah. "He's all yours." He smirked before getting up.

Noah smiled as he looked to his new toy and licked his lips. "We are gonna have fun."

Meanwhile .... Lia was sleeping on the edge of her seat with a few drools coming out. Damien watched the childish girl as she slept and he frowned to himself . "Why are teenagers not neat?" He mumbles as he took a napkin from the side and wiped her mouth. "Disgusting." He whispered.

"Sir is there anything I can get for you." A boy said as he came with a tray of drinks.

"No thank you." He mumbled with a hand , shooing the boy away. He looked back to Lia before kicking her leg. "Hey girl wake up!" He yelled causing Lia to groan.

"F-Five more minutes Jane ." She mumbled causing Damien to glare. He kicked her leg again and she shot up with a whine. "What is- oh , it wasn't a dream." Lia whispers as she brought her legs up and hugged herself.

"Nope. Hey I don't mean to pry but aren't you kinda stupid? My father kidnapped you and now you're my wife. Yet you decided to come along the ride , why? Because of that psychotic boyfriend of yours? Isn't it a little childish."

The demanding words made Lia look up at him. She titled her head , confused but she could understand why. He didn't know her . He didn't know her story . And he didn't know Ace.

"N-No! Don't worry I'll be out your hair when my mom comes to pick me up. I don't want to marry your stupid face." She said as she wraps her arms on her stomach. Damien laughed as he flicked her forehead hard. "H-hey!"

"When I offered you to stay , I was hoping you would say no. You're crazy and you're annoying. But we are married and you're my responsibility no-

"SIR! I'm-Im sorry to say this but your father... he's dead." The boy from before said as he bowed his head. Damien clenched the seat as he looked to the window.

"Thugs. Those thugs. To kill someone with so much authority, does your boyfriend have no shame?" Damien growled out as he glared at Lia. Lia screeched as she puts the covers over her head.

"Sir they said they can turn the plane arou-

"That's not necessary. I knew this was a mistake , I should have stopped my father when I had the chance . He lost his damn mind thinking this would work. Oh well. Hey girl listen." Damien said as he kicked her seat again.

What's with the kicking!!? Lia thought as she pushed the covers away. "What?"

"You're going back to your boyfriend. You're trouble." He said as he rolled his eyes and held his temples. "Can't have this psycho killing me!"

"I don't wanna." She said with a pout and she looked to the sky.

Damien smirked as he nodded his head. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "Then I'm sending you back to wherever the hell you came for. Can't you see what all you've done is cause nothing but trouble! Damn. I'm taking you back home. I'll send you the divorce papers."

Lia blinked a couple of times before grumbling. "Stupid boys. All boys are stupid." She whispered so only she could hear.

"What was that!" Damien said as he glared at her.

"Shut up!"


Lia landed in Paris with a wow. With everything going on with Ace , she actually forgot most of it since she was crying when she got on the plane. Now it's like she's a new person. "Woah! What does this button do?" Lia said as she attempted to touch a button on Damien's car , but he smacked her hand away. "Ow!"

"Don't touch things that aren't yours!" He said with a grumble. "Look you're staying for a couple of days and then you're leaving so don't act like a nuisance."

Lia squinted her eyes at him before pouting and looking out the window. So many buildings , people and the snow. The snow is what caused her to want to run out and bury her troubles in the snow. To escape , just for a second.

Where she was from , snow was not possible. It was always hot or it was either raining but never snow.

"Im marié à dix-neuf. Fantastique." Damien muttered as he pressed on the gas peddle. "And where the hell are my drivers? I haven't driven a car since I was thirteen."

By now he was just muttering to himself but Lia noticed the foreign language and she wowed it. "That sounded cool." She said as looked at him.

"It's just French."

"I know that! What did you say?" Lia said as tucks her legs under herself. Damien flickered his eyes to her before sighing.

"I said , I'm married at nineteen. It's fantastic." He spoke as he finally pulled into his home . "No more chit chatting, let's go." He said as he parked the car and proceeded out.

Lia sighed as she looked up at the house and wowed. She stepped out and looked at it weirdly. "What? Were you expecting a castle of some sort?" He mumbled as he watched her.

"No of course not! I actually really like this place. It's so small." The house was very small with windows and a long pool at the back. It's as if you were living in a box.

"Don't just stand there girl , get your bag and let's get some sleep." He yawned tiredly as he walked in.


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