Selfish (SMUT)

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fluffy smut, cockwarming, plus size reader (obvs), a little dirty talk (??)

"I just want to be selfish with you," he whispered sweetly into her ear. His voice deep, still laced with the sleep he had just woken from. One of his large arms wrapped around her soft midsection and pulled her naked body against his own, while the other cradled her head into the crook of his neck. His arm trailed up and down the gentle tuck of her rolls, before continuing down to hook behind her thigh. He gently pulled her thigh up, his way of encouraging her to drape the leg over his body. She slowly turned completely onto her side and did what he wanted. She smiled into his neck as his fingers ghosted across her skin.

The rain falling heavily against the window just barely visible through the small crack in his taupe curtains. Mingyu was never one for slow mornings, especially since he knew soft moments meant he was starting to catch feelings, but he couldn't help it. Not when it came to her. With her, he wanted every morning to be like this. His fingers danced across her naked body, around every curve he could touch, scared she would change her mind. Scared she would push him away or tell him to stop like she did most nights. Any time he tried to caress her body during late-night aftercare, she pushed him away. It didn't matter how spent she was, but this morning was just too good for her to mess anything up.

As his mind raced, Mingyu got a little fidgety, dipping his head down to connect his lips with hers, then letting the kisses trace the jawline of her rounded face.

"Can we try something," he asked cautiously. Without opening her eyes she nodded slowly and he smiled softly. He turned away from her slightly to let his hand slip between the two of their bodies and in between her legs. He slowly drug his fingers across her heat, stopping on her clit. He began gently rubbing slow circles, causing her breath to hitch slightly. Mingyu couldn't help but chuckle which caused her to pout.

"You were really rough last night," she huffed. He kissed her furrowed brow and then her lips, as he slowly pressed his long finger inside of her. She let his mouth capture her moan. Mingyu groaned lowly in content at the way she instantly hugged his finger.

"How are you already so tight again? You really are amazing, you know that?"

Her face flushed at his words, but she didn't have much time to dwell on them as he added another finger. She meant it when she said she was still sensitive from the night before. After far fewer thrusts than normal, she was dripping down his fingers. Mingyu was surprised to feel her already convulsing around him.

"Already, little one," he asked, the shock sounding more like mockery. The pet name caused her to lose it. She buried her face back into the crook of his neck, as the soft feathery moans escaped her lips. Mingyu didn't stop, his fingers still pressing slowly in and out of her.

"I was trying to be slow and sweet this morning, but fuck," his cock twitched painfully, "you make it really hard when you're like this. I mean jesus, your legs are shaking and everything."

Pulling his fingers out completely, he grabbed the base of dick and quickly lined it up with her wet heat, "I'm gonna go nice and slow and you're gonna be my pretty little cock sleeve for the morning, mkay princess?"

She whimpered at his words and let her head lull back as Mingyu slowly slid inside of her. Relishing in the way her pussy gripped him, using all of his self-control to not once again ravish her. Once he was fully inside of her, he let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He looked down and watched as her chest heaved up and down at the feeling of him twitching inside of her. Her flushed cheeks, slightly swollen lips, the way her eyebrows knit in pleasure before finally relaxing. He couldn't help but be fond of this girl. She was his secret and though he knew it didn't make her happy, he loved that only he knew they were together like this. As he watched her, mesmerized, he lifted his hand to push the hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear. He cupped her perfectly round face in his large hand, brushing his thumb across her cheek, and then across her bottom lip. Without even thinking she opened her mouth and took his thumb into it. He looked at her with a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth as she opened her eyes and innocently met his.

"You're such a good girl," he said as she sucked on his finger, "you are my precious little secret. I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go." He removed his thumb from her mouth and pulled her back into his chest. It didn't take long for them to once again drift back to sleep.

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