Are You Okay?
Someone asks, "Are you okay?".
No, I'm not, not even close.
I feel lonely,
No one to talk to, no one will listen.
I can't speak.
I feel scared.
Scared of my feelings, my thoughts,
My life.
I'm so confused.
I don't know where to go,
Who to turn to, and where my life is going.
What purpose am I?
I feel trapped.
Trapped in my mind, in my body.
I need to get out, to let my soul be free of this,
And my mind.
I'm hurting.
I hurt every day, each day it becomes worse.
It's getting harder and harder to deal with.
I need to talk.
Please listen, please let me tell you what I need so desperately to say.
Help me. I'm drowning. I need someone!
But all I reply with is,