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I was in a shell. I panicked and panicked. It was so tight, I wanted to break loose. The shell felt softer and easier to break than before...I'd tried earlier but it was so hard and it was safe. But now, I was bigger and it was getting uncomfortable and tight. I shuffled, looking for a way out, not knowing anything that was happening. I was scared, wanted to escape!

I scraped at the walls of my shell and scraped. I was about to give up untitled I fought fiercely, stopping when a satisfying crack sounded. I was free! I worked at the tiny crack, the hole become bigger and bigger as I worked. There was cold air that suddenly rushed in and I used my claws to crack open the part by my eye. I opened my large eyes, observing all the temperatures around me. Suddenly, I wanted to go back. I didn't like anything. It was so bright and horrible but warm objects clutched me. It was too bright so I closed my eyes. I roared and slashed my only defensives I knew to use by instinct. Loud murmurs came from the things that clutched me and I was terrified.

They laid me in a cold, smooth surface. I shivered, still just a newly hatched thing- what ever I was. Searing pain exploded on my back and i gave a small roar, my eyes flying open. I felt them thrust something into me and the stitched me back together. I turned to see a weird looking creature, dark pinkish, also newborn having done the same thing they did to me. The sewed him together and he laid their, breathing heavily. I was too. I looked at him, then realizing we were the same, that somehow unsettle me and I didnt like it. Right now i was too weak to move. I couldn't do anything.

The warm hand grabbed me and my sibling and placed us where it was dry and warm. It was cozy. My sibling and I were separated. The warm heat in the lamp and the soft bedding below me caused my eyes to droop. The pain in my back allowed me to fall asleep quickly




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