Death in the Paddock

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Months later...

I was older now. Barley bigger than what I learned to be called 'humans'. From a young age, they threw me and my brother into a large paddock, very large with tons of trees and a beautiful environment. I hated it with all my heart, I knew there was something behind the walls, yet I was stuck in here.

I learned that my sibling was supposed to keep me company. He was also supposed to be their for breeding purposes as well.

I crouched down on all fours, staring at him, intensely. He was darker than I was. And larger. I didn't like that.

I stepped out into the open, my brother/partner was eating from the crane that dropped a large chunk of meat for us everyday. He turned to me, his reddish orange eyes blinking at me, expressionless. "What do you want?" He eyed me suspiciously as I circled around him, hissing and clicking dangerously. I knew he wondered why was I bothering him. We usually just avoided each other because we didn't like each other. Why all of a sudden was I bothering him about the meat. He ate everyday from the same spot

"You're eating my meat. That's my crane." I hissed at the large Dino, showing him that size didn't scare me. I was about to fight over dominance for the crane. All of the meat would be mine. But there was something deeper than just wanting to meat...

"Well, you waited too long. I saw an opportunity so I took it." He clicked at me, tilting his head back to eat, my meat.

I didn't say anything else but launched at my brother, clawing with my large claws. He was taken by surprise and roared, twisting, rolling in his back to lock his jaws on my throat but I held him back with my long arms. I roared in pain as his talons dug into my side and swiped at my face, blood momentarily blinding me. He lunged at me but I swiped blindly with both arms, successfully striking him. I shook my head and leaped at him, my jaws closing on his throat, my hind claws raked at his underbelly, his screams piercing through the air. He struggled but I did not let go. Blood filled my mouth and poured down his neck and shoulders.

My brother gave a wobble and one more attempt to shake me off then fell to the ground, shaking violently.

If he was still alive, he wouldn't be for long.

So I ate him.

One, because I was hungry, two because I wanted to. I didn't quite taste right. It felt odd eating another carnivore. It didn't have the rich, fatty taste of the crane meat but I ate it happily.

Then Was I only aware the there were shouting, sirens going off and noise outside my paddock. Lots of noise. They knew I killed my brother and they were coming for me. I didn't care. The humans had weapons of all sorts but I had very strong scales, teeth, and claws. I was not afraid.

I noticed something about humans. There were so many of them. I try to gather as much information as possible because I see them ever so rarely except in the tiny box in the wall. They were so small, so vulnerable. They always had in weird scales on top of them, yet they weren't scales. Did their "scales" just change color everyday? Did they change shape as well? Couldn't be. Their scales had so many different shapes and sizes. Could they be naked underneath? No fur to protect them except on their heads? Sometimes male humans had face around their mouth. I usually shudder at the thought. Gross.

I never ate hair before. It was the same meat every single day. Yet, when I ate my brother, there was a different taste. I couldn't help but wonder if there was more meat? If so, what was the tastiest kind? So many questions I had. So many unanswered.

The crane dropped another piece of meat behind me and I whipped around, hissing. It caught be by surprise. I wasn't hungry. I had just eaten.

I sniffed the meat. There was something odd about it. It had a rough acid scent to it. Where they trying to feed me something unhealthy? Or what if it was new meat?! What if it was a new meat that I haven't tasted before!

I tore into the meat, gulping it down in my already-full stomach. I took about six huge bites when I realized it was the same meat I always get, but mixed with something. I let out a furious roar and ran deeper into the trees, knowing that I was tricked. My body felt numb and I was going to collapse at any moment. I wanted to get as far away from those monsters as possible.

My head spun and my legs wobbled with every shake and I finally crashed down to the earth, my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

Was I dead? Was I dying? No. Something told me that I was too important to this world. The horrible humans wouldn't kill me. At least not yet. Or would they? Because I killed my partner and brother? Was their any use to me anymore?

It was then did I realize that I had two sides to me. One solitary side and the other that needed a sibling. I realized that I loved my brother/partner. I didn't want this for him. I killed him for two reasons. I was solitary and I loved him. I didn't want him to suffer and live in the cruel world, and get hurt by the humans. There was mixed emotions inside of me and I didn't know how to feel. I missed him but I didn't.

Both sets of my eyelids closed as I fell into unconsciousness.


I woke up in anger. I was in the same spot as I was before. I rose to my feet and instantly fell to the ground. I whistled and hissed in frustration as I rise again. Everything was numb but quickly faded away as I regained my strength within a few steps. I completely lost my appetite and I wasn't going to trust the only thing that gave me food.

I let out a roar to show that I was angry and if the humans wanted a challenge, come for me.

I wobbled over to the feeding spot where the crane usually drops my meals. Everything was gone. Even the carcass of my brother.

So I actually watched video on yt for this. Tell me what you think!




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