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Before you read, you can check this out; the clip where our powerful girlie escaped 😎 if you haven't watched it a million times like me


I awoke to the sound of construction and banging. I opened my eyes and growled in confusion. Something was wrong. I approved the wall and lifted my neck. It was nowhere close to the edge. They built the wall higher!

I clicked and let out a massive roar, clawing and smashing my tail and banging my head against the wall. It fueled me with anger that they took away my freedom.

I had to escape.

I thought of a way I could escape. The walls were too thick for me to do anything. The humans would quickly notice and probably tranq me out.

I roared again loudly and caught the attention of the humans. The talked and moved among each other nervously.

I snorted at them, roaring and I charged at the glass, ramming my head into the glass, hearing the screams of the humans inside.

I shook my head to clear in and saw I made a dent. I could break it! My goal was shattered when they shot electricity from their turrets above.

I screamed, roaring and retreated into the dense forest.

I had to escape.


That night, while the construction paused, I was taking action for my revenge. They took away my only chance of freedom and that fueled my anger. I needed to kill a human or two to satisfy my rage.

I wanted to make them think that I disappeared. I crept to the glass and studied where I cracked the glass. They needed to see this. Maybe I could get ty em to come down into the paddock?

I lifted as high as I could go and scraped the concrete, making deep dents in the wall, making it look like I scrambled out. I look at my work in accomplishment and went to rest.


In the morning, the construction continued. I laid silently and so still I forgot what I was doing. It felt like hours when I finally saw a male and female walk in. The male was first to point out my claw marks. I quivered quietly as they checked their devices.

I studied the humans for a long time. I was sure they were checking to see if I was there. If so, I doubt they could. I camouflaged and shifted my thermal temperature as if I was not even there. The guard already in the room was confused and my spikes rattled excitedly.

The female quickly rushed out and I lost sight of the others. I slowly walked forward and waited...

Moments past and I finally spotted them by my trap I set up. I heard an odd sound and all of a sudden the three males started to panic. I took my chance and stomped forward, the trees rustling.

Two of the humans ran right up to me, my scales and temperature now back to normal. They stopped abruptly and changed directions. I snatched the closest one while the other one ran.

There was a satisfying crunch and sound of the humans. It was odd with their weird pelts but it was almost enough to get my revenge for them taking away my freedom.

I struggled with the weird prey in my mouth while I heard an odd noise by the large door in the wall.

The second human bolted to the door, i realized that I was going to loose him if he slipped through. I then realized that if I could escape I could have my freedom. This was more than revenge I could be free! I could see what was on the other side!

I just had to get through.

The human slipped through and I forced myself through the narrow gap. Heavy and thick concrete slammed and squeezed my ribs and I roared in frustration and pain. There were scrambling humans and screams filled the air.

I finally overpowered the gates and forced my way out.

All the humans were no where in sight but I was aware of some around. I was aware of their presence. I slowly walked forward making my way around an object I didn't know yet.

I found the large human sitting in front of the object. I smelled his fear. I flipped the vehicle away, upturning it, so I could see my next meal better. I champed down on him, swallowing him quickly.

I heard movement from the other vehicle to the side and I slowly crept and lowers myself to the ground. I sniffed and smelled the rancid, sour smell and I roared, and stomped away.

I looked around my new world and realized I was now free.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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