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Night fell quick in the small city of Modesto, a agricultural city.
The city is usually dull without action and many locals live within the city without much incident. All the people worked and despite common problems lived pretty happy lives. One day the city gained help from a foreign travel organization from
Italy in hopes of encouraging tourism to boast the economy which struggled with poverty and intense homelessness that was in the rise.

The economy started to improve dramatically within the first months and despite the organizations good intentions, a photographer and tourist named James Reed would soon wreck havoc on the small city.

It all started with one person, a young aspiring model woman of the age of nineteen that was also a well beloved local spokesperson who rallied at the local college to inspire peace and find ways to boast the economy. Many men were fond of the educated model and asked her out, but she refused them.

Her name was Samantha. Her skin is olive. Her body is sculpted perfect like clay. She has beautiful brown eyes that would put the stars to envy. Her hair is dyed blue like the ocean. She had many dreams, to get educated and one day go to university to learn to pursue a career to help her people overcome poverty. She applied for numerous modeling gigs and one day came across a newly hired temp photographer at one shoot out.

As their paths faced during the break time, he fell for her and wanted her, but he knew his Vista would soon expire. One day a week after the last shoot out the man who introduced himself as James Reed asked her to be with him. Samantha was honored, she too was attracted to him, but she thought more of her dreams so much more that she rejected him.

The man felt despair,anger, and his heart was filled with so much rejection that it spread to his very soul and became the newly found darkness that has always been concealed within him.
One night , the boss knowing how hard his crew worked decided to throw a work party at a bar. The man despite knowing the woman would come , came anyway to drown his suffering.

He drank one shot after another until he became drunk and at that moment his despair increased as he felt a strong urge to see her one last time.He walked past many bodies was that this was his last night in Modesto and he ended up accidentally going out the back door in his drunken state which led to a dark alley.

He stood dead in his tracks as he saw the very woman whose very existence plagued him, Samantha.

She was taking out the trash and that's when he noticed a bar uniform in her guessing she most likely worked her. He looked around and noticed how secluded they were and how they were all alone. A grin came to his face as he walked towards her.
His foot landed on a dry leaf which startled Samantha who practically spun around in panic.

"What do you want?" She asked immediately noticing his dark features displayed upon his face.

The man slowly unbuttoned his white collar shirt revealing a dark aura emitted from a hole that opened in his muscular chest.

Fear enveloped Samantha and she began to ran not believing the monster in front of her but she tripped on a bottle which shattered on impact cutting into her leg. "Argh!"

The man grabbed her with his eyes turning red.

"No! Please don't!" She pleaded as tears fell from her eyes.

Her pleas were only welcomed to the monster's ears.
Desire and want of her to suffer overcame him. James
ripped off his belt which snapped in the process before he unbuttoned his black dress pants. He took them off, his erect cock  sprung out and due to the darkness doubled twice in size.

Samantha trembled and screamed with all her soul, hoping someone would come and save her.

No one came though despite her efforts.

She scratched,kicked and bit, but it was all in vain. The monster's aura spread throughout the man's body gaining strength from her distress. The monster held her hands together before gathering a broken shard of glass from the bottle and piercing it through her right hand then he put himself at her entrance.

Samantha was about to cry out,when she felt excruciating pain but somehow composed herself as she felt pressure on her woman hood. She looked down in terror and saw a huge glowing  purple man hood that was throbbing inside her. Then a new pain came, she felt a trail of blood flooding down her leg and private.

The monster above her moaned absorbed in pleasure.
"So good and tight!" He began to thrust more and increase his speed. He grabbed her throat and squeezed till she lost consciousness.

The man's groans echoed off the walls of the dark alley then he came. When he came the purple aura went out of the man and into the woman who now lay unconscious.

As the man came to his senses flash backs of the assault were played in his head. For James, the realization of hurting the woman he loves was too much to bare so he split his throat.

The owner of the store was closing and found Samantha.

Despite being in the hospital and save from James Reed deemed dead Samantha couldn't help but scream and scream for hours until the nurses sedated her.

Why do you ask?

Well despite being medically impossible Samantha now had a fully developed fetus growing inside of her ready to pop any day now as her fully developed pregnant belly showed under an ultrasound.

Though but a night the darkness created life and that was how Felix was born. The monster who would curse the town.

After the incident the woman was ridiculed. The man of her town called her a prostitute who slept around and only refused them due to her unborn child. The police had trouble believing her take and placed her in prison for seven years on account of murder.

Samantha was never the same, after giving birth her baby was taken away and given to get parents immediately after birth.
Her dreams and motivation were dead as her good reputation so finding the only sense in her aghast Samantha took her own life in prison.

Cries of a baby boy fill the room of her parents house who grieve at the news of their daughter's demise. Cries continue and their grief becomes rage as the father picks up a knife throwing it as a dart at the newborn. But the baby named Felix is not an average human baby as a purple aura surround the baby acting as an barrier and much to the horror of the father it bounces back piercing his eye. The wife screamed in horror but it was too late for her husband was cold and dead.

Photographer's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now