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Felix heard his alarm goes off for work. He groaned stretching to fully wake up. He opened his curtains. The sun came in blinding him. He smiled knowing he would see Anita again. He ran his hands through his hair not bothering to brush it. He didn't sleep at all and was still tired but hopes she wouldn't notice.

"Anita..." He muttered as if he was carrying something sweet on his tongue. He looked to his left there was a large wardrobe and a small table with his phone. He grabbed hold of his phone and looked at social media. The models had posted photos on his city's official page. He looked at his most precious woman smiling in the photo. "She's yours!" The darkness growled causing Felix to frown. Felix started to ponder whether he should see her. The darkness had lately been growing stronger and he didn't want to hurt her. Pleasure purged though his body as the darkness tooth joy in such thoughts.

Felix closed his fists tightly. He had to see her again. To not see her would be too painful. But then again he was a creep who spied on her in such a forbidden state. He touched himself in public to her very being. What would she think of him if she ever found out? She'd despise him for sure. "She will be yours whether she likes it or not!" The darkness objected causing Felix to worry.

He hated the feeling of obsession he had. He wanted to talk to Anita again, to have her kindness that was unknown to him his entire life. Felix got off his bed and went to take a hot shower to calm down the darkness gnawing at his soul. The warm water flowed down his entire body. He sighed enjoying the warmth. He closed his eyes but then snapped them open as the image of Anita,naked came to him except this time she was begging him to take her.

Felix coughed as water went in his nostrils. "What's wrong Felix?" The darkness mocked. "She belongs to you." Felix shook his head.
"No it's not like that." He hissed. He looked down at the purple aura spilling from his left hand. He wanted to remove it but knew it wouldn't be any use. This was his curse. "Take what's yours!" "Take what's yours!" The darkness demanded over and over.

At the bowling alley the models had a shoot out for the local calendar. Felix finished setting up the cameras and sat on a chair waiting for Anita as the models lined up. She was late and his boss seemed upset. The door opened and in came Anita. Her hair is tied up in an elaborate updo, she wore red heels and a crop top with a bowling ball on it along with white bowling shoes.

Felix sighed happily and waved to greet her and was about to speak before they started their shift when all of a sudden he paused. He saw the door open and another man walk up to her.
He watched with discomfort as Anita spoke with the man. As Felix kept staring he recognized the man as the one from the first night he met Anita.

"Fine I forgive you." Felix heard Anita say.

Anita noticed Felix and smiled. She waved at him and he timidly waved back. Then she motioned the man standing next to her to walk with her towards Felix.

They all stood together despite the boss's disappoint but he was patient so he waited.

"Hello Felix."


The man next to her out an arm around Anita and reached out his hand towards him. "Yo, names Marcos. Are you a friend of Anita?" Marcos said smirking.

Felix looked back at Marcos feeling the darkness shaking with fiery inside his soul. He didn't know why but even though this man was a stranger he could help but feel the way he did.
He truly hated this man. He got a firm hold of his hand which the man noticed squeezing back tighter.

"I'm Felix. Nice to meet you."
However the voice was not too pleased and snapped back mentally to Felix. "Let's kill this man."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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