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A gorgeous young woman in her twenties leaned against a wall of a barn that is lined with other women models flaunting bras and jeans all in various poses. All traveled in a plane and came from Italy to Modesto. Many of the women were also going to the local college to speak to youth and other parts of the city to help those in need through food drives.

Despite the row of women, laid Anita. She was considered the most beautiful among her fellow models. Her skin is tanned with a hint of freckled which spotted her neck. Her hair is long and black and her eyes are blue which only adds to her uniqueness.

She is of Italian and American descent. Her father is from
United States, Modesto and her mother from Italy although she doesn't recall where as she was a baby when her parents brought her to the United States where she met her father as she grew older. The two fell in love at senior year of high school and for married young after graduating. They accidentally conceived after a condom brought and had difficulty raising Anita with
low income jobs but never -less managed to finish college and strive for careers of their dreams.

Anita too wanted to achieve her dreams and left Italy where her parents moved to after certain events they refused to talk about.
Anita looked around the cow ranch her shoot was at. Green grass, hay stacks, hills,cows herding together, women enjoying beers on tractor. She truly cherished her career choice. She's modeled in a few countries and just had to try the country her family met in.
She opened her need can and sighed happily taking in the country sights with pleasure which was more relaxing than the busy city life she was used to.

"Enjoying the view?" asked a husky masculine voice.

She looked at the man standing next to her.
"Yes it's different Marcos, don't tell me you miss the city?"

Marcos is in his early thirties but despite that has looks of a twenty year old. He had a long brown hair man bun, black glasses and is well built. "A little but I thought it'd be a good break for me."

Anita chuckled. " I can see why, you finally have a chance to not only model but help others in need. The life you had before was in New York where you mostly spent your time on runways and featured in magazines but you knew something was always lacking. Plus the freshness of this country city is good for us. "

Marcos scoffed rolling his eyes. "Fuck that. I meant the beer. I came here because your parents worried about you coming here alone so I offered to come with you and work. Not that I've gotten to shoot much with the manager favoring women for most of the shoots."

" Well Humbug to you too Mr Scrooge. I can't believe my parents are so worried about this place as the saying goes; nothing ever happens in Modesto so why worry? "

"You're always so clueless." Marcos rolled his eyes as the manager called the models to go on to the next project.

The ride in the two jeeps took the models back into town where they set up at a park for their food drive for those in need. For two hours Anita and Marcos packed and gave out food boxes to the families and single adults who smiled in appreciation. The whole time Anita couldn't help but feel annoyed with Marcos who only came to keep an eye on her. He's been like this her whole life obeying her parents and taking a role as an overbearing big brother. She honestly didn't know what his deal was.

After the  food drive was over the models cleaned up and set out in the jeeps once again to retire to the hotel rooms the company rented out for them.

With exhaustion now seeping in Anita retired to her bed face down groaning as she felt delight from the soft mattress. Many thoughts enveloped her mind as she lay in the silence of her hotel room. But one was eating at her mind for years.

Why did her parents fear this place?

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