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I walked back to my hotel room, with thoughts heavy on my mind. Why was I do cocky? I got Anita kicked out of a bar due to my own arrogance. I felt terrible knowing she now hated and avoided me. Am I really that bad?

I know deep down that I should be more respectful to others as probably shouldn't have told her that I took this job because her over protective parents asked me too or caused a scene with a local but I just couldn't help who I am. When I'm with Anita I feel wild and out of control. I do things I regret. I've dated many girls and in my home town and am known as a player but I never felt the way Anita made me feel.

She was beautiful on the outside as much as she was on the inside. For years I've acted as a brother to impress her parents but I in reality want to be more than friends. I imagined Anita holding me and kissing me but then shook my head immediately stopping my perverted thoughts. I did not her to hate me more of she saw me hard and think of me as some type of pervert.

I took a breath and opened her hotel door noticing it was cracked open and closed it when I got inside. The light was on, but when I looked around I saw Anita was no where in sight. I was alone.

I sat on her bed frustrated and sighed. "Anita..." I muttered sadly.
The door opened and my eyes widened with excitement.
Finally here's my chance. I thought happily. The maid walked in much to my disappoint.

"Um..Sir I'm pretty sure this isn't your room." The maid said in an authoritative tone. " Uh, I'm waiting for my friend. We're part of the modeling company that's helping out this town. " I nervously stuttered getting my badge out to show the maid.
"Even so for security measures I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I sighed frustrated . So much for Mr good guy.

"Whatever!" I growled rushing out of the room.
What a bitch. I thought pissed to be throw out of Anita's room.

I walked through the hallway on the way to my room when I overhead two security officers talking. "Can't believe me caught some sucker jacking off in front of room 2b."
Marcos stopped dead in his tracks.


That's Anita's room.

Marcos felt rage fill him at the thought of another man viewing what is his and closed his fists tightly promising to punch this bastard if he ever caught him. Marcos smiled at such thought.
Perhaps her parents were right to worry if there were such creeps away his poor Anita.

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