Milkshakes and French fries

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The g8 meeting was on a lunch break. Sadly the rain cut it half short so all 8 countries (and China for some reason) were eating inside the meeting room.

America was eating Wendy's with Japan and Canada, talking about their countries have been until HE. RAN. OUT. OF BURGERS. Don't be sad he still had fries and a milkshake. So as the revolutionary person America was he decided to kill two birds with one stone and dip his fries into his milkshake.

"Bloody hell America! What are you doing?" An angry Brit yelled from across the table.

"I'm dipping my French fries into my milkshake" America said, "you still taste the fries but the coldness from the shake is still there."

"Sacrebleu! Stop calling them French, they aren't! French food is a delicacy, not fast food!" France yelled.

"Weird coming from the man that thinks snails drenched in oil is a delicacy." America said back.

"What you call 'French fries' originally came from Belgium so if anything French fries should be called Belgian fries like my waffles!" Belgium boosted.

"I made them better, that's why McDonalds is even more popular and French fries is a multi-billion dollar company! And why are you here? This is a g8 meeting." America snapped back.



"Aigha! If this is about a name then just change it!" China said annoyed.

"Ja, we need to start the meeting!" Germany said.

"Fine. Fine. I'll change it to something more awesome like 'Freedom fries!'" America said.

"Ja that is way more awesome than French fries!" Prussia yelled from across the room, seemingly coming from out of no where.

"So you'll really change it!" France said excitedly.

"No!" America said with a shit eating grin. "I just like to see you angry."

"Where did Belgium go?" Canada asked but sadly no one could hear him over the fight two grown men started over French fries.

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