Chapter 1

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You are sitting under the tree. There is no one around.  There is no noise at all, which is somehow relaxing for you. There are not many districts in Tokyo which seem so quiet. However, this overly silent situation stresses you out, because you are a new resident of this magical megapolis.

"F*ck, I should have brought the phone, why did I leave it at home? There is no point of walking alone in a new city without a Google Map."

You sigh and look around.

"I wish someone was here."

Suddenly a black cat appears. He starts meowing and you start following him. He turns at a corner and goes straight on. You really want to catch him and pet him as he looks soft and fluffy. Suddenly the cat disappears from your sight.

"Hello kitty, where are you? "- you say with a soft voice and start singing Avril Lavigne's 'Hello Kitty' in a low voice, but you stop singing when you hear a voice.

"I guess he is here. "

You follow the voice and you see a boy sitting and playing video game in phone. The cat is sitting next to him on the ground and is licking his paws.

"Did this cat read my mind?"- you think but say nothing.

"Oh hey! I just got lost and followed the cat and here I am. "- you smile to a stranger.

He looks up from phone and you two make eye contact.

"Oh shit, he has cat eyes-" you thought.

"I also like cats."- he says in a calm voice. - "so you got lost."

"Yes, umm, if you don't mind, can you give me directions?" - you ask nicely.

The stranger stands and puts his phone in a pocket.

"Where are you going?"

"home "- you hear him chuckle - "oh sorry, you meant..."

" Don't worry, let's go."

" I live in a six floor apartment near Nekoma High. Do you know where it is? "

"Yes, I know. I guess we are neighbors. I am heading home, too. "

"That's great. By the way, I haven't introduced myself. I am F/N L/N , transfer student from Nagoya and I am the first year at Nekoma High. "- you smile at the boy and wait for his response.

"I am Kenma Kozume and I also study at Nekoma High, second year.

" I guess we are more than neighbors, as we go to the same school. Nice to meet you."

" Same here."

You continue walking but none of you are talking. You easily understood that he is kinda introverted person and has no clue of communicating simply. You liked this boy, even though he seemed hard to have a conversation with. But he was not the first introvert you have ever met. Some of your friends from the previous school were introverts, but as you managed to become friends with them, befriending this cat-like boy didn't seemed an impossible mission.

Soon you arrived at the apartment building. Both of you are standing in front of your appartment. You thanked him for helping.

" I live here." - he pointed at the appartment built the opposite side of yours. - "Nice to have you as a neighbor". - He waved at you and you waved back.

You enter the flat. Open the door and sigh.

That was long, tiring but nice day.

Hello Kitty  ( Kenma Kozume X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now