Chapter 11

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"Boys we talked to referees and they know everything, so there isn't any problem about me and F/N for being your coach and a manager"-Natsuki says.

Boys nod and smile. Soon match starts. You feel nervous because everyone is watching you and Natsuki. But you soon calm down and try to concentrate about the match.

You see boys from Fukurodani Academy and among them Bokuto-san. He notices you and widens his eyes while waving at you and coming towards you.

"Hello Bokuto-san"

"Hey F/N-chan. What are you doing here?"

"Me and my friend are  helping our team boys. Their coach and manager are absent today, so..."

"Oh I understand."

"Good luck Bokuto-san"

"You too F/N-chan"

Bokuto goes towards his teammates. The referee whistles. Game starts!

"Do your best boys!" -Natsuki yells and Kuroo smiles at her kinda warmly.

"OMFG what did I want. This is so awkward" you think.

Boys start playing. First serve is Fukurodani's. 

Your phone rings.

"Oh shit who must be ringing right now?"

You take phone from your pocket and you watch the screen. On the screen there is mother's picture.

"Mum?! Why the hell now?"

"Natsuki I should go out for a minute."

You turn to Natsuki who is watching the match curiously. She nods not moving eyes on you, because she focuses the boys.

You run towards the door and answer the call.

"Hello mum"

"Hi sweetie. How are you doing? How is your new school life going?"

"Mum you don't have to call me every day and if you call you should call me in the evening. You know I have some things to do." You say kinda aggressively and regret it super fast because your mother is worried about, nothing is bad about that and also she is very sensitive person.

"Sorry mum shouldn't say that"

There is no answer.

"Mum? I'm sorry okay? Now it's some kind of volleyball match and me and my best friend are cheering and helping so I am busy do you get it now? I didn't want to be mean"

"I know sweety. I'm really sorry" thankfully your mother's voice seems gentle. "Is this the volleyball club you told me before?"

"Yes mum"

"Okay babe I won't make you miss things anymore. Good luck! Call me later when you will have free time"

"Thanks mum! Bye"

"Oh and Y/N!"

"Yes mum" you roll your eyes.

"Your father used to play volleyball very good. I first saw him during the match. Hope you will meet your beloved one there too. Bye byeee"

"Wait mum what?! Why didn't you tell me that before?... Mum? ... "

You look at the phone and see that call has already ended. You feel strange and have no idea why mother has never told how she met father. To tell the truth you never asked. That's why maybe.

"F*ck I'm so stupid"

You go back to the gym and sit next to Natsuki who looks worried.

"Where have you been so long? Look!"

She points the board where scores are shown.

"Fukurodani 5 and Nekoma 1? WTF is going on?"

"Told you. Bokuto-san is one of the best. It must be hard to win."Natsuki says in a sad tone.

"But not impossible!"

You sit down and start observing the game.

"They should have some weak points and I'll find them!"

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