Chapter 10

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It is thursday morning. You wake up early. Go to school. Natsuki and other girls are happy that you feel well today. Inouka is not at class. You wonder why he is not attending today.

"Hey F/N do you want to come with me today for cheering our volleyball team?" Natsuki tells you.

"Woah. I didn't know there was a match today."

You remember - Inouka told you that this week their coach is not in town.

"But of course I will come with you Natsuki"


Natsuki yells and than laughs because everyone is watching her. You also laugh and say:

"Who do we play against?"

"Fukurodani Academy"


You remember Bokuto-san. Natsuki sits very close to you and starts talking quietly.

"Yesterday others were talking about you and the boy from Fukurodani. I guess that was Bokuto-san yes?"

"Yes. We met at the street accidentlly and he offered me to walk school with him because I looked sick"

"Aaahhh. I thought there was something between you two"

"Whaaaattt?!" Now you scream .

"Shhh. Others were talking a lot about you two. You know you're new here and both boys and girls find you very attractive and Bokuto-san is one of Tokyo's best players so there were rumours about you two to be in a relationship..."

"People talk shit"

You both laugh.

"Let's go together after school, shall we?"

"Of course"

After school you and Natsuki decided to go by bus. You talked a lot. You think that Natsuki may become your best friend if you continue communicating like this. Soon you were standing in front of Sports Center. This is where matches take place.

" It is not official match yes?" You ask her

"No. It's just 'friendly' match between them"

There are people around.

"There are more people than it should be for 'just friendly' match Natsuki"


You two take a seat and wait for match to start.

"Natsuki their coach is not here today and neither their manager. What should they do?"

"Oh. I have not thought about that. Maybe they will need help. Let's go find them"

You two are going in the main hall where Natsuki thinks boys must be.

"Look! They're standing there. Hello boys"

"Hi Natsuki, F/N what ar you doing here?" Inouka says in surprise.

Natsuki and you are standing in front of them. You smile at them and tell that you were worried about that their coach is not in town and they don't have a manager.

"F/N-chan is worried about us! What a blessing from an angel" Yamamoto says.

"Actually we do need help. We would be thankful if you helped us" Kuroo smiles.

"Of course we will. In middle school I was a manager so I know what to do" Natsuki smiled back to Kuroo.

You now realise that Kenma is not with them and start looking around. You are too shy to ask but you are interested.

"Where is Kenma?"

Kuroo smirks. You raise your eyebrows.

"Sorry for being late"

You hear familiar voice behind you. You turn back. Kenma is standing in front of you with messy hair and he is breathing fast. Seems like he has been running. He recognises you and widens his eyes.

"F/N what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help" you smile remember last night memories.

"It will start soon. Boys you have to get ready" Natsuki says

"Team! Move! We have to get ready." Captain tells team members. " You have not introduced yourself " Kuroo turns to Natsuki.

Everyone is watching her.

"Oh I'm sorry my fault. Natsuki Matsumoto. You can call me Natsuki. I'm F/N's classmate and I find her as my best friend although we have known each other for 4 days" Natsuki looks at you and smiles.

"Nice to meet you Natsuki-chan" team yells.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you" Kuroo tells her and follows the boys.

Kenma is still standing near you. He tells you that he is glad that you're here and you offered help.

"That's pleasure for me to help you"

He smiles and follows the boys.

"So what are we gonna do now?" You ask Natsuki.

"We gonna become their coach and the manager for one day" Natsuki says in serious voice and that makes you laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing" you stop laughing and become serious "let's do this"

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