Chapter 8

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Alarm is ringing loudly.

"Shut up!"

You turn the alarm off and continue sleeping. You don't feel well and your head is aching.

"F*ck, I don't wanna go to school"

"But you have to"- says your inner voice.

You get up and have a bath, then you put on school uniform and while leaving the flat, you look in the mirror. You don't look well.

"Hmm ugly b*tch"

You are in the street going school.

"Why didn't I call the headteacher. Maybe she would have let me stay home. Agh, I'm feeling awful"

You touch your head and suddenly hit something. You see a tall boy with white hair, not only white, black and white and his hair is pulled up.

" Seems like he is a high schooler, too. He must be from another school because that's not our uniform" you think.

"I'm sorry, my fault" -you nod lightly and continue walking.

"Hey wait. Are you okay?"

"Why?" - you turn around.

"You look sick" - he looks worried.

"I'm fine thanks" - you smile briefly and continue walking.

"Wait!" -you stop. He catches up with you. "Can I walk you school? I can't let the girl who looks sick go alone at school"

He smiles awkwardly and touches his hair. You don't mind him , so...

"Okay. Let's go now"

You see his eyes brighten up. He must be in a good mood, aura around him is calm and colourful. He breaks the silence.

"Sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Kotaro Bokuto , 3rd year student at Fukurodani Academy"

"F/N L/N, first year student at Nekoma High, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Bokuto-san sorry for bothering you. That was not necessary"

"Oh I'm not bothered. I'm happy that the pretty girl let me walk her school"

You smiled and your cheeks redden a bit.

You are standing in front of your school gate.

"Goodbye F/N- chan. Have a nice day"

Students who are standing in the yard are watching at him and you. That's because he is from another school and he actually walked you to school, so that must be an interesting topic for them.

"Bye Bokuto-san and thank you again"

He waves his hand and soon disappears. You enter the school and hear how other girls talk about you and "the boy from Fukurodani". You don't give a f*ck about them. You enter the classroom.

"Good morning"

"Good morning F/N"

"F/N are you feeling well? You don't seem fine" - Natsuki tells you.

"I've got a headache, it hurts a lot"

"Maybe you should tell a teacher"

"I don't think so, I can endure"

"But..."  - Natsuki looks very worried.

"I can bear it. Don't worry about me"you try to calm her down. She nods and takes her seat.

The lessons ended. Inouka asked you three times how you felt and Natsuki was trying to convince you to talk to the teacher.

But you didn't do it. Now you are going home. You have left the school building and you are going through the gate. But you hear your  name.

"Hey F/N. Aren't you going to come with us at the gym? " Kuroo is standing next to Kenma who is looking in his phone.

"Not today. I don't feel well"

Kenma lifts his head.


"My head hurts bad. I prefer going home"

"Oh okay, but you look really bad. I can't let you go home alone, what if you lost your mind or something?"- Kuroo says.

"Oh come on, I will be okay Kuroo-san"

"No. No. I should... I've got an idea. Kenma" he turns to Kenma " you are dismissed today. Take F/N home and look after her, maybe she has a high temperature"

"That is not nec..."

"Okay Kuroo"

Kenma puts his phone in the pocket.

"Let's go F/N"

"Goodbye kitties" Kuroo laughs.

Kenma looks at Kuroo with deadly glare, black aura around him. You don't have enough strength to react. You just think:

"Why now? I'm sure I look ugly now. God, why now?!"

It was silence during the walk. That was unusual because you two always had things to talk about. During the walk your head gotten heavier and your eyesight become blunt. And suddenly you fell down.

"F/N. You okay?"

Of course you were not. You wanted to say something but you could not and you lost your mind.

Kenma grab you with bridal style and take you home. His home!

Kenma's POV

F/N's cheeks are red. I touched her face and it was hot.

"You are a big trouble F/N"

Thanks God she could not hear that. I put her on my bed. Her shirt is wet. If she does not get changed she will definitely catch a cold.

"I should do it"

I unbuttoned her school uniform. She was wearing top under it. And I see the necklace which I gave her. I smile.

F/N looks so weak.

"Don't worry. I will take care of you"

And I kissed her forehead.

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