Chapter Four

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I woke a few hours later, shivering from the cold. I tried to fall back asleep, but the longer I tried the more cold I felt. Shivering violently, I wrapped the blanket around my body before putting my almost numb feet on the floor. Seeing as it was this cold I was assuming Will didn't have enough money, like many, and couldn't pay the heating bill. I Made my way to the door, on the hunt for another blanket or anything to keep me warm.

Making my way down the hall, I saw no sight of Will on the couch. Maybe he was in the toilet or something. As I kept on my journey, I made a turn to the kitchen onky to bump into something solid in the dark lighting.

"Oof," I let out, as I fell backwards onto the wood floor. As I fell I heard the burst of an apology, before i saw the figure I hit holding out a hand.

"What are you doing up?" Will asked after heping me to my feet. I pulled the blanket tighter around my shoulders before replying.

"Just searching for some warmth." Before shivering as if to prove my point. He chuckled sadly, realising my dillema.

"Well, you found it." He said, spreading his arms out wide. It was only then that I realised he head no shirt on. I blushed at his proposal and shook my head while laughing.

"Where can I find another blanket?" I asked, wanting to go back to bed.

"The only other one I have is the one I'm using, Angel." He said before walking towards the couvh,"The only option for you to keep your little body warm is for us to share the two."

I thought it over, before deciding not to turn down the only chance of warmth I had and nodded, "Okay then, let's go to the bed."

After clumsily making my way to the bedroom, Will handed me the other blanket to lay on top of the other. we both piled in to the bed, trying to warm our bodies as best we could. I also found myself trying to refrain from cuddling into his side. The warmth still didn't seem to be enough, as my toes remained numb and my teeth started to chatter.

As I remained as still as possible, I felt a warm hand lay itself on my hip, causing me to yelp in suprise. "Sweet, you are going to freeze to death. Come on, I don't bite" Will whispered, as if he were talking to a young child.

I took up the offer quickly, laying my arm over his chest and nuzzeling my head into his neck. I was too cold to even regret cuddling up to him. Slowly, I started to warm up. His arms were wrapped securely around me and I felt like a I was tucked into a cacoon of warmth and security.

"Thank you Will." Was all I could say as my eyes drew closed.

"Anything for you, Ella"

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