Chapter 3: Late Night Visitor

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"You really are happy about this, aren't you?" Lavi asked, casting a quick glance over at Allen.

The two of them had finished settling in. It wasn't a very big cabin, but it wasn't tiny either. It had a perfect in between feel to it. Once the two had finished bringing their items in, they had crashed on the couch in the main living area.

At least, it was both of them before Allen had quickly zoomed off to explore once again.

Now they both sat though, watching the small tv absentmindedly while munching on sandwiches they made.

Allen had no idea how they managed to get electricity working all the way out there in the middle of the forest, but he was glad for it.

'We can go fishing, exploring, swimming. I remember seeing a river somewhere. Maybe we could go kayaking? Me, Lavi, and we could invite the neighbors too. We could have a cookout, grill some food.'

"Of course I'm really happy. What isn't there to be happy about? Everything's going great. There's so much we get to do!" Allen exclaimed, still thinking of more and more things they could do.

"Don't say that or you'll jinx us!" Lavi yelled, playfully kicking Allen's leg. Allen's response was to stick out his tongue at this red haired friend.



The two glared at each other, before bursting out into laughter. This caused Allen to nearly choke on his sandwich, which led to Lavi falling to his knees with laughter. His arms holding around his stomache to stop the wheezing.

At this rate, they were just laughing at the other's ridiculous wheezing sounds, each getting progressively more and more out of hand.

After a good while, the two eventually calmed down.

"Whew, that felt like a workout." Lavi said with a chuckle, his hands laying on his sore stomache while he laid on his back on the floor. His sandwhich, half uneaten, still laid on its plate on the couch.

"Hey Lavi, what all are we gonna be doing tomorrow?" Allen asked curious, yet holding his own stomache as well.

"Hm..." Lavi hummed, thinking.

"I guess we could explore the forest some. I've already got us both these small backpacks with water and food inside. I also put in some bandages, just in case, ya know? Don't want one of us getting hurt and bleeding to death or something. I should put the water in the refrigerator though before we sleep, so that way it'll be cold in the morning. Then, at night, we could cook some food outside. I saw a grill by the campfire area. What do you think?" Lavi finished, looking over to Allen for confirmation.

"That sounds great! We could even invite our neighbors. I saw them over at cabin, I think? Haven't met the ones over at cabin two. I wonder if they are all in one group but didn't have enough room in one cabin or something..." Allen said, trailing off into thought.

"Well, either way, we should probably go to sleep then. It's already almost eleven at night." Lavi mentioned through a yawn.

"It's already almost eleven!?" Allen yelled put, surprised.

'Time has went by so quickly the past few hours. I didn't even realize...'

Lavi snorted.

"Yeah. Come on, help me make the beds and-"

Knock knock.

Lavi was cut off by loud knock at their door.

The red haired man rose an eyebrow before getting up and walked towards the door, only to stop a few feet from it.

'Huh?' Allen thought, confused as to why Lavi wasn't answering the door.

Knock knock.

Allen got up from his seat to answer the door himself. He was really confused as to why his friend just stopped, not to mention he was a good deal unnerved by it.

He just passed Lavi, his hand outstretched to the doorknob, when Lavi suddenly moved. He grabbed onto Allen's shoulders and yanked him down into a crouched position. He pulled him over to the underside of the window that was near the door.


Allen's question got quickly cut off by Lavi placing his hand on Allen's mouth.

For a moment, Allen struggled, trying to free his mouth so he could ask Lavi just what the hell he was doing, but immediately stopped when he saw Lavi's panicked and worried expression.

"Don't open the door." Lavi whispered to Allen, his voice barely heard with how quiet he was.

'What the hell is happening?'

Knock knock.

I do not own D.Gray-Man or any images used.

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