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"Lady and gentleman. To break this curse, we're going to have to work as a team. Which means that we do everything I say." Arthur said, tapping his pointing stick on his chest.

"What?" The triplets asked.

"I'm sorry?" I asked leaning forward in my chair.

"No." Merlin said, not buying what Arthur was saying.

"You've got to be kidding." Jack scoffed.

"Hans and Jack will search around the Dismal Lake. Triplets, you search the Caves of Despair, and Red Shoes and I will go to Golden Goose Avenue." Arthur continued, ignoring us.

"Golden Goose Avenue. Which also happens to be your go to place for dates." Merlin pointed out.

"We are going to focus on the mission. Then see where the evening takes us." Arthur said.

"The only thing you're going to shop for on Golden Goose Avenue is rejection. And you can't even afford that." Merlin stated as he leaned back in his chair and giving me a fist bump.

"I like my odds. You all saw what she did, an expression of affection. Every woman shows it differently." Arthur said, making me roll my eyes.

"You took your shot, you got slapped." Jack remarked.

"May I remind you, that this is the closest thing to a kiss anyone here has had since the curse." Arthur said as he aggressively pointed at the red handprint on his cheek.

Merlin slumped in his chair.

"Let's work together to get Red Shoes' feelings toward me so we can break the curse." Arthur said.

"But what about the rest of us? Huh?" Merlin asked.

"After I'm back to normal. The word about us will be out! And every lady will be begging to kiss your little green faces!" Arthur explained.

The triplets looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Getting one kiss sure will be easier than getting seven." Jack said as he moved his finger around the rim of his cup.

"This is not a plan! He's just out for himself!" Merlin protested.

He looked over at me and I shrugged with a small smile, not knowing exactly what to think or say about the situation.

"A half-made plan is better than none." Hans told Merlin.

"Don't worry Merlin. I've got a big assignment for you and Y/n." Arthur said, lightly tapping his pointing stick on his hand.

"Big assignment?" Merlin and I asked in different tones. 

"You two will stay here and watch after the bunny." Arthur announced.
"What, really?" Merlin groaned.
"The plan is set!" Arthur said. "We'll start in the morning!"

We all nodded our heads, well, everyone but Merlin, and we dismissed ourselves from the table. The guys headed to their dorm, and I went to my room.

As I shut the door behind me and made my wand appear in my hand and used it to change into my pajamas and went to bed.

~The Next Morning~

~The Next Morning~

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Merlin x Fem. Reader ~Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs~Where stories live. Discover now