Chapter 3 ♕ Getting to Pax

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♕Will's p.o.v.♕
I hear my alarm go off and I groan. Then I realize it's the day Anna and I leave for Pax Prime. I throw the covers off my body and spring out of my bed. I quickly brush my teeth and hair and throw on some comfortable clothes for the flight. I grab my luggage from the living room and walk outside. My brother was working the graveyard shift last night, and agreed to take Anna and me to the airport. When I get in the car I say,
"Let us go pick up Anna now!" He rolls his eyes and drives down the street.
I knock on Anna's front door and it takes her a minute, but she answers the door. She's in her glasses,with her hair in a messy bun, one of my sweat shirts and sweat pants, along with her fuzzy boots. I stare for a second and think to myself,
"God she's beautiful. Wait, Will! She's your best friend! You can't like her!"
"Oh sorry, what'd you say?"
"I said are you ready?" She said while laughing,
"Yeah, let's go!"

♕Skip the airport stuff cause idk anything about that♕

We land in Seattle and a very important question pops in my head.
"Will, who's picking us up?"
"My new friend Jordan. He's trying to explain to me where to go, and I can't make head or tails out of what he's saying."
"Here give me your phone." I've been in this airport before on a family trip a couple times. So I know it pretty well. After about 10 minutes of searching for them Will finally spots them and says,
"That's them!" I'm kind of nervous to meet Will's friends though, I've only ever Skyped them with Will. The really awkward thing is almost all of the ship #Wanna, ya know, Will and Anna.
Will walks up the this boy with brown hair and green eyes and hugs him. I stand there awkwardly for a bit... Then I see my favorite person ever.. Devon! We've gotten to be really close friends ever since Will joined "The Cube". He says,
"Omg! Will brought Anna YES!" I laugh and hug Devon tight, he's like my own personal Miranda Sings. Will says,
"Aye, don't hug her too tight Devon, it's easy to squeeze all the fun out of her!"
"Hahaha, so funny!" I say sarcastically. Will then hugs me and says,
"Awe, does Anna not like it when I play with her?" The Devon screams,
"Oh my god, the #Wanna feels are getting to me!" I laugh and the boy that Will hugged earlier says,
"You must be Anna, I'm Jordan. Just saying #kiani overrules #wanna." I laugh and see another boy come and greet me, he says,
"Hey, my names Zack, but you can call me Poke. So you must be Will's girlfriend?" He smirks at the end of his sentence and Will says,
"No, we aren't dating for the one millionth time! She's my best friend from back home." Jordan says,
"We don't have to pick anyone up until 5 pm, and it's currently 2 pm... So I say we order pizza and hang out at my place." I say,
"I'm in! But I'm not paying!" Everyone laughs and we all walk out the airport.
When we get to Jordan's car he says,
"Someone will have to sit in someone's lap, cause my car only fits 4 people." An annoyed expression crosses my face and I say,
"You mean I'm sitting in Will's lap and I don't have a choice to not."
"Yeah, basically." I laugh sarcastically, while making a stupid face and it makes Will giggle. I let Will in first and after he gets settled in the car, I sit in his lap. This wouldn't really be awkward for us if there weren't people around saying "#wanna" every 5 seconds. Cause Will and I have always had professional photos taken together, cause our moms though they were adorable, and sometimes we'd have to sit like this.

♕Will's p.o.v.♕
When I heard Anna was going to have to sit in my lap I got butterflies in my stomach. I've always liked Anna as a friend, but lately I've liked her as more than a friend. I get seated in the car and she sits in my lap. I try to think of a way to flirt with her. I say,
"Oh, our seatbelt won't fit around this both of us," that's a total lie but she's believing it. I snake my arms around her waist and say,
"I guess this'll have to do." I see her blush and ion my mind I say,
"Score!" I hear Devon gasp and Anna and I look over at him. He says,
"Yes! I got that picture! Now it's time for everyone on Twitter to see how cute you guys are!" I let my head down on Anna's back and she says,
"Are we almost there?"
"Yeah, we have about 5 minutes," Jordan says. I don't want to get out though. I would stay like this forever if I could. With Anna in my arms.

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