Chapter 8 ♕ Shattered

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♕Anna's p.o.v.♕
How did he know? I never told anyone, not even Will. Maybe he saw my scars? But right now, the blade is calling my name, it's voice echoing in my mind. But I'm going to have to stay strong. For Greyson.
♕6 months later♕
Lindsey and basically live with Will now. Ethan drinks all his pain away with alcohol, always getting drunk and threatening us. He even beats us...
I walk into Will's living room, with my pajamas on to see Lindsey and his mom on the couch, she's telling her stories of how our moms went through a lot. Seeing they're having a coversation, I walk back up to their spare bedroom that we live in. I saved up enough money to get a PC and computer, so I started a channel on YouTube, called "PeaciePink" I just thought of the most random words I could and put them togeter. Jordan and I have gotten really close, he's like my older brother, the one I wish I had....
I hop on the team speak and see that Jordan's the only one on. I say,
"Mr. Bayanidoooooood, what's up?"
"Eh, not much, I was supposed to film a clip with Will, but he's not answering his phone. Is he home?"
"No, he went out to get some snacks for his 12 hour live stream tomorrow. But he left his phone here,"
"Oh, okay. So, how are you?"
"I'm okay...."
"How many days clean?" I told him about my self harm problems. I say quietly,
"Anna, why?"
"I'm starting to feel like Will doesn't want me... that he doesn't care anymore."
"He cares Anna, I know he does. You promise you'll stay strong?"
"I'll try. For you, you've been here for me a lot in these past couple of months."
"No problem, now, will you record a clip with me? I NEED MINUTES!!" I laugh and say,

When will gets back, he's unusually late, he'd been gone for about 6 hours, it only takes 30 minutes at the most. He stumbles upstairs and slurs,
"Hey babe, you look amazing" He starts trying to turn me on, but I smell the alcohol in his breath. I say,
"Um Will, why've you been drinking?"
"Cause you obviously don't care, and I'm not good for you Anna, have you not realized what I've been doing these past few months?" He says slightly giggling at the end of his sentence. I say,
"Will, you're better than this," while taking his hand. He jerks away and raises his voice.
"Anna, your a good girl, and good girls and bad boys aren't a good mixture. I'm going to hurt you, I've already broken you," he raises my sleeve and examines all of my scars. And says,
"See what I do to you?" I step back and say,
"What the hell happened to you? Where's the Will I grew up with? I want that will back, not this bad boy that you've turned into."
"Well guess what Anna? HE'S GONE!" Will walks out and slams the door behind him. I lean my back against a wall, the slowly sink to the floor, crying even harder as I go down. He's changed, he's a drunk, just like the rest of my family.

Two hours later Will walks into the guest bedroom and says,
"Look Anna, I'm so sorry. I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying. Will you please forgive me?"
"Yes, your forgiven. But please don't do that again." he picks me up and places me on the bed. He lies down next to me and we cuddle together under the covers. He says,
"I love you so much Anna."
"I love you too Will." and with that, we both fell into a slumber.

I wake up a couple hours later, it's early morning, about 3 am. I see Will's phone beside him and grab it. For a quick girlfriend security check. I first go to his pictures, he's clear. Then I go to his messages, I see an unfamiliar name "Gabby" I open their messages and am in the most shock I've ever been in.
Gabby: Hey baby, you should come over... my parents aren't home ;)
Will: Okay baby girl, we'll have some fun ;3
My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces. I throw his phone across the room and hear it crack as it hits the floor. But I couldn't care less. I jump out of the bed, and start packing. Will is hung over, so he won't be a problem. I throw all of my belongings into my suitcase and go online to purchase a plane ticket. I leave Will a note on the nightstand saying,

I'm gone, have fun with Gabby

I then head out the door.
I call a taxi, and he picks me up at Will's house. As I get in he says,
"Where to?"
"The airport."
"Oh, where you going?"

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