Chapter 5 ♕ Sparks

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Happy new year!
♕Will's p.o.v.♕
It gets dark about two hours after we pick up the rest of the guys and drop them off at the cube house. When we get to Jordan's apartment he says,
"I have an air mattress for one of pyou and the other can sleep on the couch. But I'm going to bed g'night guys."
"Night," Anna and I say together. She then says,
"I'll sleep on the air mattress and you can have the couch, unless you want it the other way around?"
"That sounds fine, g'night Anna," I kiss her forehead and she says,
"G'night Will, sweet dreams," she kisses my cheek and crawled into her blankets on the air mattress.
I try to go to sleep but I can't, all I can think about is Anna. How beautiful she is, and how she wouldn't date a guy like me. I mean I'm her best friend, there's no way she would date me. I slowly drift off into a sleep, still dreaming about Anna and I.

♕Anna's p.o.v.♕
Will jumps on me and says,
"Anna get up! It's the first day of Pax, and the Cube meetup!"
"Ugh Will, I don't want to get up!"
"Well too bad for you, cause we need to start getting ready,"
I throw the blankets off myself, stretch my arms out and yawn. I walk to my luggage bag and pick out my outfit. I picked out a navy blue crop top with white shorts. Along with my navy blue vans and a cute daisy flower crown. I curl my hair in loose curls and put on eyeliner and a little bit of eye shadow. Will walks into Jordan's bathroom while I spray a bit of perfume on myself, he grabs my makeup bag and pulls out a pink colored lipstick and says,
"Wear this, it'll look good with your outfit." I smile at him and say,
"Since when've you been into makeup?" He rolls his eyes and laughs.
When we get to the convention center Will says,
"We'll look around for about 2 hours in here, then it'll be time for the cube meetup."
"Okay, I'm really excited to see all of your fans!"
"Me too Anna, me too," Will puts his arm around me as we walk and I don't really think anything of it until Jordan says,
"Hey Anna, check your twitter!" Confused, I check my twitter and see that Graser tweeted a picture behind us of Will with his arm around me, captioned "Aren't they so cute?
"What to heck? Why'd you tweet that Graser?"
"Cause the fandom needed to see how cute you guys are!" I roll my eyes, then a shocking realization comes to me...
Will's flirting with me.
I immediately try to push away the fact, cause I don't know if it would hurt our friendship. But this is a something I can't push to the side, cause I've had a crush on Will since last year.
The time for the Cube meetup comes and I say to Will,
"I'll be in the car if you need me," I start to turn to walk towards the car when Will grabs my arm,
"Please don't go Anna! I'm sure the fans will love you,"
"Oh fine,"
About halfway through the meetup, I see Will kiss a girl on the cheek, even though it was by her request, I felt a huge wave jealousy wash over me. I thought to myself,
"Why can't that be me? I bet she's just wanting attention, I mean she not even that pretty," then I slow myself down and think, "Wow, Anna calm down, I bet Will is her favorite YouTuber, she just wants to remember this moment. She's also like 10 times prettier than you so shut up."
I hear Will say,
"Anna! C'mere, she wants a picture with both of us," I walk over to Will who is with, yet another girl that is 10 times prettier than me. I say,
"I don't know why you would want a picture with me but okay," She holds up her phone we all make a silly face. After she gets the picture she hugs me and says,
"You're my role model, I wouldn't be her without you and Will. Your also very beautiful, I mean I wish I could be as pretty as you," I smiled at her and Will, obviously absent minded says,
"She is beautiful, and she should know it," I swear, my cheeks are on fire from blushing so hard.

♕Will's p.o.v.♕
The girl who Anna and I took a picture with said to Anna,
"You're my role model, I wouldn't be here with you and Will. Your also very beautiful," I say to myself,
"She is beautiful, and she should know it,"
I see Anna blush, then I realize I wasn't think to myself when I called her beautiful... Awkward.
After the meetup I tell Anna,
"See I told you they would love you!" She laughs and says,
"I had a lot of fun,"
"I'm glad!" I kiss her forehead and her cheeks turn the color of a tomato. I giggle and put my arm around her again, just enjoying the moment.
When we get to Jordan's apartment Anna decided she was going to go to the Cube house to go hang out for a bit, so Jordan and I could have some time alone.
I walk into Jordan's room and say,
"Dude I need your help,"
"Anna, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know how. So I came to ask you cause I know you a master at picking girls up." I giggle at the last sentence and Jordan rolls his eyes. Then says,
"Well we are going to shoot fireworks off at my uncles land in about 30 minutes. There is a bridge that you could take her to, you can wt a really pretty lake view, and it'll be even better since there's going to be a full moon tonight. You can ask here there,"
"Thanks dude, I think I'm gonna do it. Even though I'm nervous as heck," Jordan says,
"Don't worry Will, she'll say yes, I've seen the way she looks at you," I blush and say,
"Let's hope she does,"

♕Anna's p.o.v.♕
We arrive at Jordan's uncles land with a huge load of fireworks, first we pull out the sparklers,
Since it isn't dark enough for the big fireworks. We all get two each, I say to Will,
"Remember when we were little how we'd play with sparklers when we had sleepovers?"
"Yeah, those were the good days,"
Jordan starts lighting our sparklers, and when he lights my first one I spin little circles, and Will drew a heart shape around my face, I blushed and did the same thing to him. After both of our first sparklers die out Will says,
"Hey can we talk for a minute?"
"Sure," Will starts walking over to a bridge and I get butterflies in my stomach, cause I think I know what he's going to do.

♕Jordan's p.o.v.♕
I see Will and Anna walking over to the bridge and I say to Devon,
"Dude, Will about to ask her, and he's so freaking nervous,"
"Omg! I just know Anna's going to say yes, I mean c'mon they make it so obvious!"

♕Will's p.o.v.♕
When we reach the bridge Anna says,
"This is such a beautiful view,"
"For a beautiful girl," I say while smiling bright, then I clear my throat and say,
"Anna, I've know you my whole life, and you've been with me through everything, and your the best friend a guy could ask for. But I've been wanting to be more than friends lately. Your so beautiful Anna, you smile just makes me melt. What I needed to say is.... Anna, will you be my girlfriend?" She starts crying tears, I hope, of joy, then says,
"Yes. Yes! I will totally be your girlfriend," I smile at her and I wrap my arms around her waist, I start to lean in and so does she, I feel our lips connect in a passionate kiss. My heart is beating a million miles an hour, after we pull apart I hear fireworks go off, and an applause. I look up at the sky and see brilliant bursts of color everywhere. Anna says,
"That kiss was so amazing, I guess they saw the sparks fly," I say,
"I'm so glad you're finally mine, Anna,"
"And I'm glad I'm finally yours,"

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