The two elves swinging their swords against one another, the metal ringing through his ears. Prince Callum couldn't do anything but watch from behind the wooden table he was pushed to by his appointed knight. All this fighting and death was frustrating, confusing, terrifying, he didn't know if he should even cry or scream. The elf assassin grunted as she blocked another attack from the knight.
"Stand down, I'm not after you. I'm after the human boy." She glanced at Prince Callum, only for the knight to stand in her view. The knight didn't respond, only glaring right back as she raised her sword once again.
"Psst. Callum!" Whispered a soft voice throughout the room, catching everyone's attention. The two elves stopped their fighting, but never taking their eyes off one another. Prince Callum swore he felt his heart skip a beat, he knew who that voice belonged to.
"Caalluuumm!" Whispered the voice, only louder this time. Callum felt his throat close, forcing himself to cough to calm himself down.
"Uhm... do you guys hear something?" His voice shaking, a shaky smile forming on his face. The assassin elf raised an eyebrow at the boy, turning her attention to the talking painting.
"Are yew... talking to tha' painting?" She asked, confusion expressed on her face. The knight before tightened her hold on the handle of her sword, she knew who that was and she is not going to let the assassin any where close to him or anyone for that matter.
Prince Callum choked out a laugh.
"Hah! What? N-No. Why-Why would I talk to a painting? There's no one there!" He stuttered loudly, trying to hint to Prince Ezran to get out of here."You want me to leave you alone with a girl?" Prince Ezran voiced out, not getting the hint. Prince Callum wanted to smack him and himself in the face.
"Callum, you need to see this!" He whispered again before pushing the large painting of a woman open to reveal the young dark skinned prince. Holding a half eaten jelly tart along with his colorful toad. His bright blue eyes widened as he noticed his appointed knight holding a sword towards another elf.
"Li-Lian! What's going on?! Who is she?!" He tightened his hold on Bait, frightened. Prince Callum quickly went over to his brother and kneeled beside him, holding onto his shoulders as he forced him to look at him.
"Ez- Kid, you need to get outta here!" Prince Callum corrected himself, not wanting to expose his brother to the assassin. He needs to make sure his brother his safe from harm. Prince Ezran stared into his older brother's face, a frown forming as he glanced back to his knight before turning to his brother.
"Callum, what's happening?" He cried out. The assassin elf turned to the older boy a frown settled on her face.
'So he's not Prince Ezran... could it be the kid?' She turned her attention to the younger boy, staring at him, taking note of his features. Prince Callum tightened his hold on his brother, he could feel himself losing it as his fingers trembled.
"We-We have to get outta here, okay? It's not safe here. Lian will hold her off while we go get the other guards, okay?" Prince Callum said softly, slowly releasing his hold on his younger brother.
He turned to his appointed knight, glancing at the assassin elf before turning back to her. He watched her slowly walk to block the assassin's view from them, standing in front of the painting.
She heard him loud and clear. She'll hold her off while they get help and to safety. Prince Callum turned his attention back to his brother when he felt him shake his head.
"No." He said, shocking Prince Callum.
"There's something you need to see! I don't know what to do with it! I thought you or Lian could help me." He gave his half eaten jelly tart to Bait and held him up in front of his face. Prince Callum gasped and quickly shut his eyes as he turned his face away from the toad.

Appointed Knight
ActionOh how he envied her. She was everything he needed to be as a prince. She is one of the best swordsman... girl... that he has ever seen! And not just that, she is just good at everything! The king of Katolis noticed this and made her his and his bro...