Chapter 1

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Hi everyone!! So this is my first story I'm publishing and I'm really excited about it!!

So I just want to explain a few things first. So everyone's ages are going to be different. I based it that the majority of them are 2 years older. Now you probably confused by what I mean when I say this so let me explain. Originally katara would be 14 but in this, she is 16 however let's take Aang for example he was 12 in the original and I could make him 13 turning 14 He just hasn't turned 14 just yet. So if you see things like that where a person is a year younger than they are supposed to be please just ignore it.

I have a few more disclaimers before the story starts. If u didn't know, this is a Zutara story, so it is about Zuko and Katara. Another thing, the way the characters meet is completely different. You're going to have to read more to understand how everyone meets but I think you will enjoy it!!
And one last thing. I absolutely suck at grammar and spelling, so I'm sorry if there is a mistake or typo. I try my best to correct them but you know sometimes I slip up. So thanks for understanding.

Now sorry about keeping you waiting. I hope you enjoy it!!
Now on with the story



A loud screech coming from outside Katara's door woke her up. This morning she slept in and that rarely happens for her. She walked up to her door and saw Sokka standing in the threshold. His face was a mixture of anger and fear.

"What did I ever do to you Sokka," she asked jokingly

"Well you have done a lot of things to me but the list is way too long," Sokka said with only a slight hint of sarcasm. Maybe she did make him mad a lot?

"But Katara get ready you need to come with me"

"Why is there an emergency?" She asked

"Fire nation is here," Sokka said in a very serious tone

"Fire nation? What are they doing here? Didn't we already pay our taxes this month?" Katara asked worryingly

"If I'm being honest Kat, I have no clue. Dad wouldn't let me in the meeting room. He told me to go get you then come straight back, so I never got a chance to hear what they were talking about"

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go find out!"

The siblings ran over to the meeting room and went inside. There were 3 men standing in a row wearing red Fire Nation robes.

"Ahh, I'm assuming these are your children, Hakoda." The man in the middle said

"Yes, this is my son Sokka," he said pointing to him "and this is my daughter Katara"

"Hello there princess Katara, Prince Sokka," said the man in the middle

"Prince Sokka. That has a nice ring to it. Don't you think Katara?"  Said Sokka smiling wide

Katara elbowed him in the ribs to be quiet. He flinched grabbing his side and gave her a mean glare. But Katara kept her composure and paid no attention to him

  "Well, I'm going to get straight to the point. My name is General Shinu, and I have been sent by fire lord Ozai. He has requested for at least one representative from each nation and tribe to come to the Fire Nation, to attend the yearly summer solstice festival," He paused for a moment then continued "There will be food, games, plays, and so much more. And On the day if the summer solstice there will be a ball. Also, there might be a few opportunities to discuss some arrangements that will benefit your tribe"

*REWRITING* Yin and Yang (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now