Chapter 2

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Hey there! I just wanted to say thank you for reading!! Now enjoy the story


Katara woke up feeling well-rested but confused at the same time. She didn't know where she was at first, then she remembered. She let out a sigh knowing it wasn't all just a bad dream. she looked out her window and expected it to still be light out but she was wrong. Katara assumed that she only slept for about an hour but she slept more than that because it was already night time.

She decided to walk around the palace and explore. It was much bigger than she thought. There were hundreds of rooms. She wandered for about an hour when she came across a beautiful garden. there were so many gorgeous flowers. she didn't know the names of them but she admired their beauty. there was also a tree with a bench under it and next to the tree was a pond.

Katara felt at peace in the garden. She decided to play with the water by bending it. At that moment she was the definition of grace. The water was moving around her body. One would say it even looked like she was dancing with the water. She became very calm and it was as if all her fears were washed away.

she soon got a little tired so she laid down on the lush grass. she just listened to all the sounds slowly drifting into sleep. She was right on the verge of being asleep when she heard someone jump down behind her. She got up and saw a figure dressed in all black with a blue mask with white horns. she jumped up and called out,

"Who are you? why are you in the palace?"

the figure gave no response but only ran

"hey get back here... Thief!" said Katara assuming that he was going to rob the palace.

She chased after the figure but knew she couldn't catch up so she used her water bending to knock him down. It delayed the person only for a moment then they got back up and continued to run. the masked person ran and jumped up onto the room. Katara was determined to catch them so she water bent herself up onto the roof.

"Get back here" she shouted

she chased after them for a good 10 minutes in a circle when finally they had nowhere else to go. they were back at the garden and the figure was at the edge thinking whether to jump down or not. They didn't have time to choose because Katara had come from behind and pushed them down. Katara jumped down after and before they could get away she bent them to the ground using ice.

"Who are you?" Katara demanded

she walked up to them and took off their mask. it was a boy, only a few years older than her. he had shaggy hair, beautiful golden eyes, and a scar on his eye.

"Who are you?" she said again

"you don't know?" said the boy

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew, so I'm going to ask you one more time. Who are you?" she said

"You are here for the summer solstice festival, aren't you," he said

"why would I tell you, thief," said Katara

"I'll take that as a yes," said the boy "and I'm not a thief, for the record"

"Then why were you sneaking around on the roof?" asked Katara

"because I didn't want anyone to see me, but I obviously failed," he said rolling his eyes


"Agni you ask a lot of questions"

"well, what am I supposed to do. you jumped down from the roof, scaring me half to death, then when I ask who you are you run away! So excuse me for asking a lot of questions"

*REWRITING* Yin and Yang (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now