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If I had known what was going to happen, then I would have never gone out. I would have stayed in, watched some movies, and ordered take out instead of going out to dinner with my little sister.

A week ago it was her 11th birthday and I had missed it cause I was working a double at work that day. And the next time I had a day off was a week later. I felt really bad about missing her birthday, she was so disappointed when I never showed up. Mom said she actually started crying. It broke my heart to hear that. So I decided to take her out to a fancy restaurant to make it up to her.

She was so happy and excited. She couldn't stop grinning throughout the dinner. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside because I made her happy and forget about not spending that much time with her. I was 25 years old and I had already moved out and have my own apartment.

I had just become a doctor and was working at the local hospital. I was the youngest doctor that has ever worked there and was the best in my field, so a lot of people preferred me over the other doctors. It kept me busy all the time which took away from spending time with my little sister, Lily.

After dinner we went out for a walk around town taking in the sights and just talking. She was telling me all what happened at school that week and about her friends. She could be talking about anything but I wouldn't care as long as I could see that twinkle in her eyes and how happy she was. She was like a beacon of light, drawing you in and could brighten your day no matter what had happened that day. She would make you forget about it with just her smile.

Lily is so very special. I could not be more proud of her. I would protect her the best I can just so she can smile and shine brightly to the world. She deserves so much and more. That was why when two guys in ski masks grabs her and puts a gun to her head, I didn't hesitate to save her. I quickly knocked the gun out of his hand and pushed Lily behind me and told her to run.

She wouldn't leave so I turned to her and said, "I'll be right behind you! Run Lily! Run!" She nodded with tears in her eyes and ran. I turned back to the two guys to see that the other person picked up the gun. The next thing I knew I heard a long bang and pain blossom throughout my chest. I collapse to the ground, blood already seeping through my shirt and forming a puddle beneath me. I see the guys run away when they see police showing up.

The pain was so unimaginably painful. It was like being stabbed with a hot poking iron and it being pushed deeper in your chest and being twisted. I could see black spots now dancing before my eyes. I knew I was dying but I didn't care as long as Lily was safe. I was happy that it was me and not her. She was my baby sister, she was my light and rock.

So when my vision turned black I had a smile on my face, glad my sister got to live even though I couldn't.

That's weird. I thought I died. I open my eyes to see a black void of some sort. So I did die, is this the afterlife? If it is it's pretty depressing.

I then hear a deep chuckle come from somewhere. I look around but I can't see anybody. In fact I don't even seem to have a body, it's like I'm floating. "You can't see me and your dead so there is no need for you to have a body."

Oh, well that's understandable. "Who are you?" I ask.

"People refer to me by many names God, Kami, etc. Usually when someone dies they go to the afterlife but your case is special. It was not your time to die. But you sacrificed your life for your sisters."

"Of course I did! She's my little sister, I would do anything for her even if it meant my life. She has so much stuff ahead of her to do and experience."

"That is why I giving you the option to go ahead to the afterlife or you can choose to be reincarnated into your favorite anime, Naruto. What is your decision?"

Wow. I could be in Naruto! That's so cool! Who would turn that chance down. Stupid people I guess. "Ok. I choose to be reincarnated into Naruto. But I want to be a Uzumaki and be 6 years older than naruto. That way I could get more time to train before the main plot."

"Alright. If that is what you wish. I wish you good luck in your new life."

Next thing I knew I felt like I was being sucked out of the void I was in.

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