Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, I only own my oc's.

I then opened my eyes to see a ceiling. Huh. It worked. I look down to see myself as a new born baby. I am in a wooden crib in a room full of other cribs. I'm going to go ahead and guess that I'm in an orphanage. That would make sense, because Kushina, Naruto's mom, is the only known Uzumaki in konoha.

Wait! If I'm a newborn then that means I have to soil myself. Ugh! That's going to be so embarrassing, sure it's normal for babies but I'm a grown man for Pete's sake. But if I don't then whoever is in charge will notice and will think something is wrong. I-I guess if I must. That doesn't mean I'm going to like it though.

Being a baby is going to be so boring. I guess I can learn to meditate to pass the time. I closed my eyes. Breathe in then breathe out. I repeated this over and over again. This is actually very peaceful. It's nice and relaxing.

A couple hours later I was shaken out of my trance by a lady coming in. She was around average height, plump, had brown hair with some hairs starting to turn gray, and brown eyes. She must be the matron. She attended to the other babies, checking their diapers and feeding them, slowly making her way towards me. She then finally made her way to me. She gave me a warm smile. She checked my diaper and started feeding me a bottle of milk. She rocked me slowly while I was eating. The milk tasted pretty good and it was warm.

The rocking plus the milk was kind of making me feel a little sleepy. After I finished the bottle and the matron set me back in my crib, I fell asleep.

The next couple of months were basically just that. Soiling myself, getting changed, being fed, meditating to relax my mind and to feel my chakra. To give the matron a break I didn't cry that much, only when I was hungry or needed to be changed. Which I could tell she was really grateful for.

After one more month of meditating I could finally feel my chakra. Next task I needed to do was unlock my chakra. That was going to be difficult, at least for the first few chakra points. It took me one more month just to unlock one chakra point. That was pretty sad, I thought it would take me at most two weeks. I was now four months old. I have also been trying to stand because I'm getting really bored just being in here. If they could see that I could stand maybe they'll take me out of here from time to time to play with the older children. I'm getting really close, I can now stand while holding on to the bar for a few seconds.

I spent the next month opening the rest of my chakra points and mastering standing on my own without holding on to the bars. It was exhausting but it worked I now could stand and all of my points were finally opened.

Now to just wait till the matron comes in to check on us, then I'll show her I can stand.

I'll start making chapters longer when I get a little further in the story. For now I hope you like the chapter. Please give me feedback on what you thought, what you liked, what I could do differently. Thank you!

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