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I sighed out in exhaustion.

I had just fought of a bunch of dark harpies and other creatures that threaten the skies.

I was nearly done for today's duties as the sun had started to set, meaning that the guardian of time would take place in his share of duties very soon.

Knowing that my duties to guard the sky were coming to its end for today once more, I had decided that I  wanted to explore the night skies later on, as I would usually do after my tasks were finished.

I quickly flew off to my tower of clouds, to rest and to wait for the night skies to bloom.

//Short time skip//

I yawn out as I stretched my arms preparing myself to explore the dark skies that were covered in shimmering stars.

I gazed out of my tower as I leaped on a window ledge, looking down to a swirl of cirrus clouds beneath me.

I quickly turned my back, leaning off the edge, a small smile plastered on my lips as I closed my eyes, letting gravity do its magic.

Right as I fell through a blanket of stratos clouds, I quickly stretched out my wings and flew upwards.

The breeze that passes through my feathers were cool and calming as I gazed on the beauty of the dark ultramarine skies that behold upon my sight.

Millions of shimmering stars glimmered throughout the skies as I looped across a thick cloud filled with rain.

I breathed out a patch of air as I embraced the gusts of wind that were flowing through my entire being.

I then spotted a fluffy cloud, taking shelter on it as I lay my body, relaxing.

I decided that I would just rest on this stray cloud tonight as the daylight was not rushed.

Right as I was about to fall into the pit of slumber, a falcon had chirped and woken me up.

"Lady Y/N, your Mistress Gaia has requested for you to come to her tower immediately." The falcon spoke.

"Alright." I sigh.

'These ultramarine skies can wait for me tomorrow I guess.' I thought to myself as I made my way to Lady Gaia.

//One short flight later//

I shortly presented myself towards the goddess of life herself, Gaia.

I graciously bow down as I spoke,

"My Lady, what urgent matters has occured to have you summon such a lowly guardian like me?"

Gaia smiles at me and stood up, taking my hands in hers.

"You have no need of such formality, my child." She gently said.

I nod my head as she began explaining.

"I have recently received news from the concerned guardian of the sea, that tremors of corruption and darkness has reached her waters." She informs.

'Tremors?' I thought.

I listen intently as she continues.

"It seems that a former keyblade wielder associated with darkness has infiltrated the heart of the guardian of the vast terrains with shadows." She states.

"The lands in many areas have gone dry, the soil has been poisoned, the dirt is cursed to where no life will flourish and it slowly killing the earth." She stammers a little as I can feel the panic in her voice.

"Do you know what the former keyblade wielder plans to do my lady?"

"I've overheard that he was to obtain 13 vessels to bring upon kingdom hearts." She says.

"My Lady! That is absurd! If that is the case, then why must he target the guardian of the vast terrains?" I worry.

"I fear that he may me using him as a puppet to rid of the guardians of light." She sighs, seating in her throne.

I purse my lips together, shocked at what I was hearing.

"What may I do to be of help to you my lady?"

"Until further notice on what his plans are, you are to protect the chosen ones, my child."

"Do not let the guardian of the vast terrains or any darkness hold a grasp of them."

"As you wish my lady, but who will keep the skies while I'm away?" I ask.

"I will do that task so fret not, as the skies are in good hands."

"My lady, may I request something before I go that is?"

"Of course, My child." She answers.

"Please inform the other remaining guardians to act as if I am anonymous to them. I would not like to cause suspicion and keep this matter a secret to the guardians of light." I state.

"Duely noted my child."

WOOH that was a good start.
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!
Thanks for reading everyone!

Sayonara, Sora (´✪ω✪')♡ 

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