𝓢𝓴𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓭.

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Y/N's POV.

It was 8 am in the morning and I quickly hopped out of bed, preparing myself before going to meet the other guardians of light.

King Mickey was waiting for me in a hall room, and as I reached there, we quickly departed to Master Yen Sid's tower.

"Master Yen Sid!" Mickey yelled as he slammed the door to his office open.

"What ever is the matter, King Mickey? It's rare to see you earlier than the others today, and I see you've brought someone." He spoke out.

Before the King could get any a word, I swooped in a gave him a letter to quickly address the situation, as I fear that the others were near.

I had also briefly and quickly introduced my self and explained that I was a guardian and that the guardians of light were being targeted, with the addition of Gaia sending me to keep an eye.

Master Yen Sid stroked his long beard and closed his eyes.
He then suddenly snapped his fingers and a suitcase emerged onto his desk.

"If that is the case... Then so be it. Here is you makeshift uniform for now. It shall be comfortable enough for you to hide you wings as well."

I thanked him as I felt the presence of others growing near.

I quickly dashed my way to the nearest bathroom and change my entire outfit in a small amount of time.

I quickly dashed my way to the nearest bathroom and change my entire outfit in a small amount of time

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"Good enough." I say as I dashed back up to his office, before anyone had arrived.

Riku's POV

"What mission do you think Master Yen Sid is going to give us today Riku?" Sora asked.

"I'm not sure Sora, but I've overheard that we were going to Destiny Islands." I say to him.

"Why would Master Yen Sid want us to go there?" Terra pondered as we all made our way up to his office.

"I don't know. From what I've heard, they say that the three headed sea dragon that used to protect all around the island has gone off the rail and has destroyed the eastern parts of the island." I say.

"We're gonna fight a dragon?!" Donald and Goofy yelled out in fear.

"A dragon you say..." Lea raises his eyebrows.

"But that can't be right..." Kairi says as she looks down.

"What do you mean, Kairi?" Aqua asks, curious of her statement.

"It's nothing, Aqua..." Kairi sighs, dropping the conversation.


-A few minutes before the others arrive.-

"How are the clothes feeling, Y/N?" King Mickey asked me.

To be 100% honest with you, it's kind of trapping my wings in one place, and it's making me feel a little uncomfortable, but it's not like I'm going to need to show my wings to anyone anyway.

"Good enough." I say again as I summoned my spear.

Right as I was about to say something else, the door slammed open once more. I was met with the turquoise eyes of a snow-haired boy. I assume he was just as surprised to see me as I to him due to the others bumping into him as he gazed into my eyes.

"What are you blocking the door for Riku?" a brown spiky haired boy said as he complained.

The snow haired boy, who's name is allegedly 'Riku' pointed towards me, as the others joined in his stares. The silence was nerve-wracking and I couldn't help but just want to fly and swoop out from the awkward tension.

Never have I ever felt this awkward in my years of being a guardian.

"Can you guys please stop staring?" I say as I mentally sighed.

"Sorry." They all chorused, yet the boy 'Riku' never broke eye contact with me.

They all quickly stopped staring at me as they entered the office one by one, right as everyone was inside a red haired boy suddenly asked, "Who's she?" while pointing to me.

"Yeah, who's the funny lady in the white outfit!?" the duck squawked.

"Lea, please don't point. It's rude." The short-haired ravenette spoke as she then apologized to me.

"It's quite alright." I answer back.

"But who are you?" She asked me.

Right as I was about to answer, Master Yen Sid spoke aloud, cutting me off.

"Everyone, meet Y/N. She is King Mickey's new escort." He explained.

"Pleased to meet you all." I smile as few of them look at me unsure.

"The name's Riku." He said as held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Sora!" The brown haired boy introduced, "And this is Donald and Goofy!" He says pointing to them.

"My name is Kairi, it's nice to meet you, Y/N" she smiled as she shook my hand.


"I'm Xion!"

"The name's Lea, but you can call me Axel."

"I'm Aqua. It's nice to meet you."

"My name is Ventus, it's nice to meet you."

"Aren't you Roxas?" I question him, a little confused.

"Uh, it's complicated." he chuckles as he scratches his head.

"And I'm Terra!"

After everyone had settled down, Master Yen Sid cleared his throat and informed us of the mission.

"As you probably may have heard, your mission will be located in Destiny islands as it is correct, that the three headed sea dragon who used to guard the area has turned against it." Master Yen Sid began.

"How is that possible?" I ask in shock.

"Finding out what happened will take part on your mission today." Master Yen Sid explained.

"Wait, Y/N's joining us?" Sora asked.

"What part of 'Kings Escort' didn't make sense to you?" Riku and I chorused out as we then stared at each other and chuckled.

"Alright then, let's go team!" King Mickey exclaimed.

"Let's get it rolling!"


Anyways, thank you for reading and I really hope you've enjoyed the series so far.

Sayonara, Sora ('✪ω✪')♡

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