Alone - Winner of LGBTQIAP+ Forum Drabble 2020

139 13 4

Challenge: Write a drabble (exactly one hundred words) on the following prompt:
"Invisible Numbers." Your ability to see people's age in years as an invisible number above their heads has made you the perfect bouncer. One day you see a four digit number.

My entry:

I stood, back to the wall, letting the music wash through me as I studied the line ahead. I could tell the two girls in front, giggling and clasping each other's arms, were underage without even checking their auras but I checked anyway, just to prove myself right. Yep, sixteen. "Sorry, girls," I said, firmly. A nightclub bouncer might not have been the best use of my talents, but a job was a job. Right?

Next please!

I caught my breath when I saw who was before me. Beautiful. Androgynous and one thousand years old. At last. "Hey," I smiled.

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