01. No Rest For The Wicked

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     It may has only just occurred to Sakura that she may be alive or at least what it felt like. A dead person shouldn't have conscious, don't they?

Everything around her felt warm, she could feel herself, warmth embracing her. She wasn't sure where she was, it felt like a large cocoon, sheltering her from harm that would hurt her. It doesn't make sense for her but she was floating in a body of water.

The cocoon was big and round, she could also feel warmth beside her, Sakura doesn't try to open her eyes or to move because she knows her body was just simply not there. She wasn't sure if she had a body anymore, it feels like she was just a lone soul on the endless void.

But she could see.

She's not sure but she could see light around her, twinkling as time past. She could see a mess of ribbons coming undone as time pass on. What felt like seconds before feels like years to her, her sense of time were gone or wrong.

She was just there, simply existing.

Streams and ribbons of glittering light wove around her, holding her. They formed intricate gossamer webs, weaving patterns she could stare at forever. It was simply beautiful, a simple fact she could agree with anyone who sees it. It reminds her of her village, a place full of life and happiness even if darkness lurks around.

She could even see it inside herself, tiny streams of light knotted into a flickering ball of fire dwarfed by the rivers of brilliance around her. Time meant little wrapped in the light. She was at peace, floating in that wonderful place.

And she didn’t float alone. Cocooned with her in the light was another fluttering ball of fire. Where the ribbons around her had beauty in their strength, the enormous surges of light flowing along their lengths, the little ball was beautiful for its fragility. It was such a delicate thing, made of strands barely the width of a spider’s thread.

So she wrapped herself gently around it and held it close. It was just barely warm in a world without heat, a little candle against her breast, and that made it precious to her.

She will protect and nurture her little ball of sun, her little flame.

Marking time was all but impossible.

Sakura faded in and out of awareness and she could never say how much time passed while she was dormant. She spent her waking hours staring at the beauty around her and cradling her little flame and for a while, time would be marked by the pulsing of its light.

Her little flame grew a little bit with each pulse, spinning itself more threads, thickening those it already had. It was still fragile, so fragile, but there was wonder in its growth. Her own threads grew as well and she hoped that her little flame drew heat from her just as she was warmed by it. They drifted that way for a long time.

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